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Chad, SG6 could be a problem.

Should SG6 be on these servers

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 64.8%
  • No (give a reason)

    Votes: 43 35.2%

  • Total voters
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Apr 16, 2012
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Vareide can sue you u know LOL
Like I said, I wasn't sure. It was a question. No need to make threats. It doesn't make you look big. It makes you look petty. Though to be honest, you've already done that by responding aggressively to every single little thing said slightly against TV. As I have constantly repeated, I am neutral, and regularly play on both servers. I have friends at both, and have been Sr staff at both. I don't want there to be bad blood between the two communities. There is no reason for it. It should be left between the people involved only. Not affect everyone else having fun. Its only a game after all.
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District 13
Jun 28, 2012
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In regards to Darlo's question, no, I don't believe any legal action can be taken about "stealing" maps. I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain you can't. In any case, it has been stated that many features will work only with their plugin. There is also no way we are going to download their map to put on our servers, if they don't want it distributed, we respect their wishes.


Mar 28, 2013
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Nooooooooo! Me want SG6 on MCSG! :( Some people might start getting mad at Vareide because of this...


Feb 4, 2013
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Dood u have your facts totally wrong. Variede MADE mcsg and chad hosted the servers. Then chad fired all the admins and disapeared for a week. Then hired new unlikable staff and did a bunch of other stuff. Then banned Clankstar and a few teamvariede members. So variede decided to make the hive with clank and a few others. later they made an ofer to chad to buy back mcsg. chad refused. so variede simply has gone in his own direction.
Ok. Chad and Variede both made mistakes. I admit that.


Mar 17, 2013
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Well. This thread went from generic to a mess. Can we chill out and stop insulting each other before a mod closes this?


Aug 23, 2012
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As the MCSG community, we mourn and we move on. We forget our losses and expect new build teams to come in and almost instantly replace them- like they're expendable. The thing is though, they're not. Team Vareide's maps started these servers. Without them this entire communtiy, this forum, these clans- wouldn't exist. If Chad ever sees this, I want him to realize that he can't just drive away Dennis and hire Team Elite as if nothing ever happened. They did not deserve to have their VIP removed, to be banned, and to be forgotten. I believe we owe a tribute to them for bringing us together, even if they are no longer here. They have made a lasting impression in our lives and now here we are, some of us even blaming them. This is in no way Team Vareide or Teweran's fault. They were simply presented with better oppurtunities in other places. I believe any of us would have done the same thing. At the time, MCSG was really falling apart. Sure, you could argue that they had strong bonds, but you could also argue that tension was starting to rise. Clankstar had been fired, mods and sr. mods were resigning, NCP was flipping out, and everything was in chaos. Clank isn't even credited for his work anymore, and that disgusts me. He did, at one point, help develop our plugins, and we owe him that. Yet the credit is given to our current developers.

You can't just move on and cover up the past. They deserve to be credited for what they have done. If we aren't going to credit them, well, SG6 should be Hive-exclusive.


Apr 16, 2012
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Actually, Clank neither created MCSG, nor did he get fired. He stepped down :). Also, in terms of Chad getting rid of the admins, trust me, we had no other choice.


Feb 14, 2013
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Well, finally someone on here who was actually willing to take an unbiased, fair view of the situation... I salute you sir!

Variede was dreaming to try to take mcsg from Chad. When he couldn't have it, he practically declared war with us at mcsg. Is that the right thing to do for a respected mc builder?? Think about it.
Vareide "declared war"? Oh really, how did he do that? By getting banned? What exactly has he done that suggests he has declared war? That's right, absolutely nothing. After being banned and kicked out by Chad he has quietly got on with his work over at The Hive.

What Vareide did was RIGHT. First, him and the other Hive staff tried to work with Chad, which Chad refused. Then they offered to buy out Chad, which again, he refused. Only after both those options had failed did Vareide and the rest of the Hive staff look at building there own SG plugin. Had Chad been less stubborn and willing to work with everyone else, none of this would have happened. The person who did things wrong was Chad, not Vareide. Chad was the one who started kicking and banning people after all.


District 13
Apr 21, 2012
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In response to the thread, and all it's arguments and discussions, I will ask everyone some rhetorical questions. Why does it matter that The Hive has a map we don't? Why does it matter that The Hive even exists? Why does it matter that Vareide, Clank and the others are no longer with MCSG? And what does arguing about two SEPARATE communities accomplish?

First of all, The Hive is it's own community, same with MCSG. They are not related in anyway excluding people who know about both. It's pointless to talk about The Hive at MCSG or talk about MCSG at The Hive because they are nothing more than competitors. They are not the only competitors as well. There are many, many servers and communities out there that are doing the same things MCSG and The Hive are doing. Neither communities are the only ones to have Survival Games or Herobrine or any of those game types. The only reason The Hive and MCSG are such a big deal is because everyone makes it that way. Everyone needs to calm down about this whole situation and realize it's not an issue that The Hive or MCSG exists. It is two separate communities that each do things the way they want to do it. Similar to pretty much every other minecraft server out there. The constant arguing of "Who did what" is irrelevant and pointless since the two communities shouldn't affect each other with the decisions that they make on their own place. What we should all do is leave each other alone. Let each community have it's own thing and not drag unnecessary issues from one community to the next.This includes letting people choose where they want to go. If Vareide and Clank want to start up a community, more power to them. Let them live their dream. If Chad wants to continue with MCSG, then more power to him.

On to the next issue which is, Team Vareide's VIP removal and certain members being banned. All I have to say is, Chad OWNS MCSG. He can do what he wants with it. If he wants to ban someone then he can. If he decides people aren't very important, then he can remove their VIP. This is non of anyone else's business besides Chad's because this is Chad's decision. Vareide can do the same thing at The Hive. If he wanted to, he could ban every single member of MCSG and there's nothing we can do about it. It's his decision and he can do it if he pleases.

Next to who is "right or wrong". In all honesty, everyone is at wrong for turning such a stupidly small, mundane thing into a big issue. The constant talking and bickering about the two communities is pointless and wastes time. Vareide and Clank could spend the time posting about this issue working on The Hive and I could spend the time posting this post on sleeping or other productive things. In reality, no one but the leaders of the two communities actually know what happened. The rest of us are just assuming things and claiming it's truth.

Last, MCSG is not scared of The Hive. We do not lock posts about The Hive because we fear the loss of people, we lock them because this is MCSG. A place to talk about... MCSG, not The Hive or any other community. These Hive posts cause nothing but arguments and rumors. All unnecessary, problematic, pointless threads will be deleted/locked. This includes this one so thread locked.
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