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Community Opinion: Teaming

Should teaming only be allowed in certain servers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 381 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 231 37.7%

  • Total voters
Apr 11, 2014
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Maybe the developers can make a plugin where mods can see the players names and skin so they can see who is who, and it wont be that hard to moderate


Jun 1, 2013
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Hmm...tell me how many times you've been able to take out a team of 4+ with ease? oh wait... the amount of 4+ teams is a lot higher than people think. 2 teams, aren't that difficult, unless they gapple >.<.

I highly doubt clans actually scrim in 100-120. Most clans (I've been in a few), are going to scrim in 160+.
I never said taking out teams was easy. most 4 teams are not the most skilled players. but i suppose i see your point.


Dec 26, 2012
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Seems like a great idea if it's allowed it'll probably be the best thing that's happened to MCG for a while! I hope it happens! :D


Sep 7, 2013
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i love all the people who say 'it's more fun fighting teams in FFA,' or 'it creates a challenge for people to take on teams'

like, nobody is forcing you to play on ffa

you can always just go onto the team servers...

and not half the servers either, more like 5-25 servers with ffa
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Sep 30, 2013
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Genius idea, the whole masking thing, but you wouldn't exactly be able to record hackers very well.
Still, I'm up for the idea!


Nov 27, 2012
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i love all the people who say 'it's more fun fighting teams than going FFA,' or 'it creates a challenge for people to take on teams'

like, nobody is forcing you to play on ffa

you can always just go onto the team servers...

and not half the servers either, more like 5-25 servers with ffa
lol ikr? -.- I don't see why people can't accept the fact that people wanna ffa sometimes. It's not like they are taking teaming out of mcsg. They would just be setting a few servers to the side so people can play solo sometimes.

The only really reasons I have seen people saying for not wanting these servers added is

1. These servers were based off the hunger games, so therefore teaming should be a thing. My response to that is first off, these servers may be based off the hunger games, but there are a lot of things already that aren't part of the book/movie. Examples being we don't really do district teams. Like district 1 is with 1, etc etc. There is no bounty system in hunger games. The name of our servers MCSG, not hunger games. It used to be considered hunger games, not anymore tho lol.

2. Would be too hard to moderate and mods need to focus on hackers, not teamers. That right there just seems a bit.. idk.. lazy? If mcsg were to add in a new mini games, that would be something extra you mods would have to moderate too, so whats the difference here? This would just be one extra thing to moderate. I am sorry, but it your jobs to moderate the servers. It's like on the HIVE, teams of 4+ are illegal. Moderators have to respond to that when people break that rule, and that is on ALL servers. We are just talking about setting aside like 10-15 servers here. It's really not gonna be that hard to moderate lol.

3. Some people might join the servers not knowing it is a FFA server and people will team anyways. Yeah, of course people will try to team when its agaisnt the rules, just as hackers hack, when its against the rules. And it's very simple, you just put the FFA servers in a spot all to themselves in the hub away from the regular servers so there can really be no mistaking.

This can work out, it just has to be thought out in depth before it is implemented.
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District 13
Jul 5, 2012
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If FFA servers aren't what people are after there should really be a size cap on teams too. For example I have come across a team of about 10-12 people before. They were noobs but seriously a team of that size is ridiculous and is one of the reasons why people hate teams. Teams of 2 or 3 are manageable if you work properly but 4+ begins to just become ridiculous. They have a lot more health between them so can spread the damage then flee to regen. Basically what I am saying is rather than have FFA servers perhaps limit the size of teams because I know I would rather take on multiple teams within a game of 2 or 3 than a couple large teams.


Dec 15, 2012
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Well, I doubt Skype Teaming would be shut down, even with the masked names and steve skins, because they could describe where they are, they could jump, or do anything else to indicate to the other team mate it is them.


Sep 7, 2013
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another idea might be to incorporate a /helpop system, in which

  • if you see a person you might think is two+ teaming, you do /helpop [names, server, any other info]
  • mods/admins/staff will get that message, and if aren't busy, will go to that server, in which they can simply 'boot' them, or any punishment
(of course any abuse with this command can simply be punishable also)

i'm not sure if anyone else suggested that, i'm too lazy to scroll through every comment ;)

but personally, I would like to see the system implemented, as being in AU, there's basically three teams in every round.
and it's really annoying listening to hypocrites who hate teams so much, yet they team themselves (lol, i'm one of them)


Sep 15, 2012
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First off, I was a moderator for over 8 months on these servers xD, so I know how big a deal hacker are and that they are the number 1 priority, but I play the game more than most in this community, and I see more and more people raging about people teaming on them. Some people just don't want to have to team every game to win, some people like to play legit and earn their wins. Some do tho, thats why these servers being added allows people the CHOICE to do what they want, instead of being forced to do something.

You made a reference to this game being based off a movie (hunger games). If you actually watched the movie or read the book, you would know that the most hated people in the movie were the ones who were teaming in big teams, making things unfair lol. I'm not sure exactly how you can say that 2v1, 3v1, 4v1 is fair at all xD. With the movie everyone started with a teammate, it was all 2v2's. That's not what Minecraft Survival games is about here really. Thats why its survival games, not hunger games. It has difference from the movie.
Its completely okay whatever you say, you have your own opinion and I have my own. I voted no, you voted yes.
You may be asking yourself why I did voted no.
Here is why.

- Making a ffa servers would bring up even more rule breakers that would team in a non-team game making staffs do more work instead of dealing with out real problem hackers.
- Hackers would still hack on ffa server making people rage again. (The game will always have rule breakers and we can't do anything as of right now except getting more mods and banning them all the time. People would still rage on hackers that would be in ffa servers anyway.)
- I play to have fun not to get wins or rage because I got teamed, people team to have fun with each others. (Some people play serious, and I would suggest them to relax and play to have fun and enjoy this awesome game.)
- Teaming is a strategy in my opinion, and it has it owns ups and downs. (There is only 1 winner and you can't trust anyone.)
- Never look in the way you died, look in the way you played. If you play solo you have way more skills than most of the people on the servers, making you a good player.

I personally like to team with my friends, its the way I enjoy playing rather than getting a mad because I lost.


Aug 24, 2014
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Great idea! But one question though, im worried about one thing in the FFA and thats teams. Are there gonna be any teams at all in the FFA servers?

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