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Community Poll: Leaderboards Reset with Newest Update?

Assuming your old statistics would be saved separately, would you like the leaderboards to be reset?

  • Yes. I support Legacy Leaderboards, new statistics to track, and a global leaderboards reset.

    Votes: 883 53.7%
  • No. I don't want a global leaderboards reset nor new statistics to track. Keep everything as it is.

    Votes: 761 46.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Nov 27, 2012
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I have actually debated back and forth on this for a long time, pretty much since hive reset it's leaderboards. There are huge downsides and upside to it for everyone really, and you might actually be surprised with my answer to this. I say Yes, reset them, but I request something.

I think with all the hard work and dedication a lot of us have put into getting to the top page of the leaderboards, we deserve more than just a memorial. We are not dead for crying out loud :p. I feel like people who earned their top page spot on the leaderboards deserve maybe a special rank in game. The top 25 players in mcsg deserve something that shows people in game who we were, what we've done in the past. I don't care on the name or color of the rank, but I think we deserve it. Doing this will, I think, satisfy some of the top players who are against this reset. We just want some sort of acknowledgment for what we've done. The "MVP rank" sounds really nice honestly ;P haha but idk, i'd be ok with us all getting VIP if anything. Gravey4rd already has it tho :l.

Just to add, I think that maybe you should give it some time. Give people a chance to get onto the top page if you are going to give out this rank.

I also think when you do /stats or /records, it should show your old amount of wins if possible, instead of just your current wins.

I feel like this reset would encourage and discourage people. Anyone with over like.. 1000 wins or so, will not be happy at all the hard work being for nothing, but it will also encourage new players to play and try harder since they had no chance before this.

I feel like no matter what is done, there is going to be a lot of happy and very upset players at the same time. As far as me, if this reset was done, heck, it would stop me from playing so much xD. No pressure to stay on the top pay if there is a reset.

One question I do have tho Col_StaR is why exactly can't the old leaderboards stats be used with the new leaderboards? Is it just because all the stats would have to be manually moved over and can't be automatically done?

Also Col_star, is it possible to have the old and new leaderboards updating at the same time? Like, keep the leaderboards how they are now, but have a new leaderboards that starts from 0? The best of both worlds? Have an "all time leaderboards" and a "new school leaderboards"
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Apr 3, 2014
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I voted yes because ive wanted to have my stats reset and i dont have the time and money to buy a stats reset xD
i bet 10000,00000$ gravey4rd doesnt have the money and he doesnt want to reset his stats the top players shouldnt be treated like this


Mar 19, 2014
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nope, no way. people worked way too hard for it not to be noticed on the main leader boards


Jan 9, 2013
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Do you know how bad that looks on you when you charge so many people for a stats reset, then immediately go and reset the entire leaderboards? It isn't hard to go upon the leaderboards, spellcaster24 hasn't played in a long time and he's still on the front page. Meanwhile he's already at 1100 wins on his new account. People need to realize that most of the people up high on the leaderboards barely play anymore. If you can't go up on the leaderboards, don't blame the other players, blame yourself and improve.
This is not what I want from MCGamer... You look at this and think, Well, I'd totally love a leaderboard reset! Well, they have an option to reset YOUR stats. I've been here since April 2013. Took me over a year to get to number 5 on the leaderboards. I don't feel like spending more time on this server that is already going downhill. I view this as a way to get more people to play. Well, this isn't the way to get people to come and play more on your servers. Has any other game ever reset the stats of everyone? No. COD, one of the biggest gaming franchises ever hasn't. Don't reset everyone's stats because new players can't win. I quit playing MCSG to win. I play with friends and to have fun, not win. Yes I'm ranked 5 but who cares? It's a rank. A rank never and will never show your skill. Like oh wow, Gravey4rd is ranked #1? He must be the best player in worlddddddd! Well, no. Not even close. This is basically going back to the topic of who is the best pvper? No one can be. No ever will be. If you want to make it better for new players, have different leaderboards. Weekly, Monthly, and yearly leaderboards. Keep the leaderboards running and don't reset.


Jan 9, 2013
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Okay this poll isn't fair. CreeperFarts is using his subscribers to boost his side of the poll.
it's extremely biased. i'll be surprised if they even consider the poll he has on his channel.


Apr 1, 2013
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This is extremely stupid, people have worked extremely hard to work there way up the leaderboards and to eventually make the first pages. This re set will force most good players to quit the servers due to being not able to push there wins up. Personally, if this goes forward, my self and my group of friends have all said we would quit and we are all quite skilled players (1000+ wins). There is a feature on the MCgamer servers called a (statistics reset), if this goes forward, people have wasted their money purchasing your product due to this new reset. Its been 2 years since the servers have been released and yet no stat resets. Only recently the statistic reset has been released so people can choose whether to reset there stats or not. Personally, this is extremely stupid because as i saw before (It would make the community more competitive), this would harm the community to make people more aggressive and abusive towards members of the community who play for fun and not to win. There would be a great increase with hackers due to trying to get to the top of the leader boards which would cause an uproar in the community. There should be a feature such as a stat reset for free and if the higher rated players want to keep their wins, they can keep their wins, and if others want a reset, the can have a reset.

If this post relates to you, reply or like the post.

~ kooks


Nov 27, 2013
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While a major reset would inevitably discourage SOME existing high-ranked players from continuing, it may also give some a reason to return to the servers to push for a higher rank than when they left, as it would become more easy to do. At the same time, it would encourage a far greater number of newer players to push for high ranks, and likely many of these would purchase donator ranks to make this more achievable. So, from a purely economic perspective, it would be a good move for MCGamer. (More money -> more servers/gametypes -> more players. Repeat) Similarly for the community, if you care about that type of thing, many new players would expand/diversify the player base more, easily compensating for the loss of the few that may leave.

About hackers: Yes, if everyone resets, then it will become more likely that hackers will attain high ranked positions on the leaderboards. However, this shouldn't really be an issue as it would in fact make it easier for mods just to look at potentially illegit stats on the front leaderboards pages, and track hackers down that way. Anyway, hackers are always going to be there,it shouldnt really have a dramatic increase on the number/percentage of hackers on the servers.

All this "had to work" for, "time wasted" and "earn" wins.. If thats how you view playing on the servers, maybe you shouldnt be here. There's actually no point playing just to get a leaderboard position while not actually enjoying playing, you could spend such ridiculous amounts of time far better on doing something else.

Oh and btw, does anyone really think that a simple reset is ever going to stop Gravey4rd?


Jan 9, 2013
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Also knowing staff, they wont care and be biased because it's a VIP.
true. but they are also claiming they are going for what the community wants and with that, all i'm seeing are the bigger names in the community voting against a stat reset.

*lmao took out the last part kinda sassy*
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