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Do you believe in god?

Do you?

  • yes

    Votes: 113 55.7%
  • no

    Votes: 98 48.3%

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District 13
May 9, 2012
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The argument you refer to is known as Paley's Watchmaker Argument. Essentially he compares the earth to finding a watch in a forest, it could not have created itself, there must have been a watchmaker. Anyway the problem with that argument is that it fails to look at all of the variables which go against the earth being perfect. For example the earth and the solar system is under constant bombardment from metorites and metors in rarer cases. The milky way galaxy is also traveling on a collision course with our neigbouring galaxy, the Andromada glaxay. These are just two on a huge array of problems with the earth being in the perfect position. Your point also fails to account for the vastness of space ie the milky way galaxy has almost 300billion stars in it, our galaxy is part of the local group which is made up of 54 galaxies, this is part of about 100 groups and clusters which make up the virgo supercluster and this is just one of 39 (the only known superclusters, there are many more) superclusters which make up the universe. So I seriously doubt that the earth is the only planet which is habitable.
Having said that, this does not mean that God cannot or doesn't not exist it just shows that it is wrong to think that God created the universe for us. :)

EDIT: I didn't see your point about explosions not creating anything. Every explosion creates something as an explosions is just a very fast reaction.

EDIT2: If you were to use this to calculate the number of stars you would get a huge under estimate as I didn't account for larger galaxies and clusters etc. The acctual estimate is 10^24 stars or 1000000000000000000000000 stars
I didn't say that explosions don't create something, obviously they create something, and that is destruction and not something wonderful like the earth.

Yes, our solar system is being bombarded with meteorites, but thanks to our atmosphere, ozone layer and all those other elements, we hardly notice it. Also not to forget that Jupiter's gravity pulls in a lot of the asteroids into its own orbit (forgot the right word) it also flings them back out into space. The moon also stops asteroids.

The fact that an explosion would make a planet to have the ability for life, as well as having all the other necessary needs (neighboring planets and moons) is just impossible, it just had to be created.

To sum it up, just think of explosions and what they do.


Mar 3, 2013
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I was afraid a discussion involving religion would come up eventually, I don't like reading people comment about what other people think and say about their religion or just them being atheist. But... since the thread is here, I might as well give my saying and say that yes, I do believe that there is a God.
Jun 22, 2013
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I didn't say that explosions don't create something, obviously they create something, and that is destruction and not something wonderful like the earth.

Yes, our solar system is being bombarded with meteorites, but thanks to our atmosphere, ozone layer and all those other elements, we hardly notice it. Also not to forget that Jupiter's gravity pulls in a lot of the asteroids into its own orbit (forgot the right word) it also flings them back out into space. The moon also stops asteroids.

The fact that an explosion would make a planet to have the ability for life, as well as having all the other necessary needs (neighboring planets and moons) is just impossible, it just had to be created.

To sum it up, just think of explosions and what they do.
To respond to this I am going to ignore the whole religious big bang part and just tell you how an explosion can create something. An explosion is a sudden release of energy, this can be chemical, mechanical, nuclear, etc. If we take the example of nuclear and then narrow it down to fusion. Fusion is an explosion as it is a chemical reaction which occurs extreamly fast and at very high temperatures. This reaction/explosion gives out a large amount of energy in the form of gamma ray radiation (this radiation is slowed down by the the high density of the sun and comes out as visable light, UV etc) but the process also creates a new element which was not previouslythere (if it is fusion of Hydrogen nuclei then a Helium nuclei is formed for example). So an explosion is very capable of creating things and the elements it creates can then go on to form larger things like molecules, hevier elements and then more complex things.


District 13
May 9, 2012
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To respond to this I am going to ignore the whole religious big bang part and just tell you how an explosion can create something. An explosion is a sudden release of energy, this can be chemical, mechanical, nuclear, etc. If we take the example of nuclear and then narrow it down to fusion. Fusion is an explosion as it is a chemical reaction which occurs extreamly fast and at very high temperatures. This reaction/explosion gives out a large amount of energy in the form of gamma ray radiation (this radiation is slowed down by the the high density of the sun and comes out as visable light, UV etc) but the process also creates a new element which was not previouslythere (if it is fusion of Hydrogen nuclei then a Helium nuclei is formed for example). So an explosion is very capable of creating things and the elements it creates can then go on to form larger things like molecules, hevier elements and then more complex things.
Again, not saying that explosions can't create something. The atomic bombs that were dropped in Japan destroyed 2 cities. When a sun explodes, it can form into a black hole. When a grenade explodes, it can destroy some parts around it. When a volcano explodes, lava, rock flies around.
What I'm saying is that it cannot make something like earth.
Jun 22, 2013
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Again, not saying that explosions can't create something. The atomic bombs that were dropped in Japan destroyed 2 cities. When a sun explodes, it can form into a black hole. When a grenade explodes, it can destroy some parts around it. When a volcano explodes, lava, rock flies around.
What I'm saying is that it cannot make something like earth.
I'll explain to you how a planets formed because they weren't just created in the explosion in fact they formed over a long time and the explosion was just the start (That is what I was trying to get at). The Universe was created in the big bang, this where energy was created (and the four forces) the universe was expanding at an alarming rate and it started to cool, as it cooled matter started to form (this is still at temps much much higher than that of the sun). The matter then started to collide and was drawn together in clumps to form super massive stars. Over a long period of time where the universe cooled the stars went through thier life cycles exploding and thier matter going into large gas clouds. In these clouds of gas gravity acted bringing them together increasing the heat and forming new stars. As the stars form there is a remant of the gas cloud around them due to the rotation of the star and gravity the remants are pulled together to form planets and ateroids.

Now that is a very simplified explanation but It would literally take me days to type out in all the detail that I know and that isn't even that much compared to any who works in the field of physics(I did A-Level(before degree level for everyone not in the uk) Physics in the UK)

Disclaimer: I am not saying that there is no place for God in the Universe but I am saying that he did not create the earth individually/speacialy and instead that he could have set everything in motion and maybe gives things a little push here and there.


District 13
May 9, 2012
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Let's put the conversation at a halt since this is getting pretty tense and could lead towards a flame thread which is not what we are wanting. I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe, let's just leave it at that.
Jun 22, 2013
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Let's put the conversation at a halt since this is getting pretty tense and could lead towards a flame thread which is not what we are wanting. I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe, let's just leave it at that.
Oh, I didn't think it was getting that bad. There is nothing wrong with a bit of debate. :)

Edit: Everyone on this forum seems to think that every little debate is the start of an argument.
Last edited:


May 26, 2012
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Personally, I am a Christian and try to be as dedicated and as faithful as I can be to my religion.

Now, Genesis says that the Lord created the Heavens and the earth. How he did it is up to debate. There could have been a big bang or evolution may have also played a role. Though, personally I do not strongly support either one of those theories, I don't know for sure.
This is why any religion or belief requires a strong amount of faith. Without a strong amount of faith in any belief, the belief is useless.
Jun 22, 2013
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Personally, I am a Christian and try to be as dedicated and as faithful as I can be to my religion.

Now, Genesis says that the Lord created the Heavens and the earth. How he did it is up to debate. There could have been a big bang or evolution may have also played a role. Though, personally I do not strongly support either one of those theories, I don't know for sure.
This is why any religion or belief requires a strong amount of faith. Without a strong amount of faith in any belief, the belief is useless.
I agree that a stroung amount of belief is important but I also think that you should challenge your own beliefs so that you can get a better understanding of what other people believe and make sure that you don't get stuck believing the wrong thing, although what the correct belief is, who can say?
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