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I may be in a state of mini-crisis.


Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Find the most attractive girl and tell her you once talked to a former US#1 MCG player.
Works every time.

Also, Moo, I moved over the summer and I had a similar situation starting high school. Though it's a little late now, what really helped me was joining a sports team to meet people. Anyway, gl with school.


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Okay, the title was a bit misleading/over-exaggerating, but at least it caught your attention enough to bring you to this thread.
As you may be able to guess, I'm going to be facing a large issue. In this case, tomorrow. I need the help of you fellows, the MCSG Forums.
(I feel a little bit like MCGamerzism by creating this thread, LOL)

So, here's the situation:
I'm entering my Freshman year in High School (Grade 9) in a completely new place. I did not attend the local Middle School, and I haven't attended any public school in over a year, meaning I will know absolutely no one, have no idea what's going on, and to top it all off I've only seen the campus a few times when driving by.
I'm not a popular/social fellow, never was, and never will be, partially due to my shyness and the other part due to my lack of aesthetically pleasing features... (AKA, I'm ugly.) With that said, I'm fully expecting to be a loner right off of the bat. But not only that, I'm going to be stuck in all sorts of awkward situations, such as:
-Not knowing where to sit in class/lunch
-Not knowing who's a bully, jock, class clown, or otherwise. (Except for my assumptions based off of their appearance, which can be misleading.)
-Not knowing any of the teachers or students
-Being confused when trying to get to classes and navigate the school
And a whole lot more.
And to top it allll off, school has already been in session for one week. I'm starting a week late (I was out of state last week) and so I won't know aaanything about aaanyyything.
Oh, and I'm also going to be a year older than my classmates. GG-NO-RE.

HALP? ;_; Seriously, this is worrying me.
Tips and comforting advice would be great :3 I've always been an awkward weirdo in school, but this is taking it to the level of 9000+.
My younger sister went to grade 8 (same boat as me - hadn't been in school for a year) and the first day, she was completely lost and came home crying, according to my mom. Now, granted she looks like a 6th grader in an 8th grade world and also acts like one, but still...+ to top it all off, I live in a sort of not-very-friendly neighborhood.

Also, feel free to share your own stories about High School (or middle school) awkward situations! Maybe I can be comforted by hearing about the pain and struggles of other people...jk
I remember when i lived in England, i had a year and a half off school (Due to moving issues), and i went back to school acting the way i normally do, people accepted me for me and that was that. :)


Mar 19, 2014
Reaction score
Hi I know this is an older thread, but I think it was the first one I read of yours.

I just wondered how you are getting on and have you made any friends. I hope you have.

I hope this doesn't end up in the middle of someones post like the one I did yesterday.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hi I know this is an older thread, but I think it was the first one I read of yours.

I just wondered how you are getting on and have you made any friends. I hope you have.

I hope this doesn't end up in the middle of someones post like the one I did yesterday.
So far I've been doing pretty well - I've had a few depressive relapses, but thus far I've been able to pull out decently.
I haven't made any friends, although I'm getting to know a fellow named Jose in my Geometry (math) class. He also plays Minecraft, so we have a common interest. There were a few kids who tried to bully me, but I ended up reporting three of them to the grade administrator and teachers, and it's toned down a bit.


Jun 21, 2013
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So far I've been doing pretty well - I've had a few depressive relapses, but thus far I've been able to pull out decently.
I haven't made any friends, although I'm getting to know a fellow named Jose in my Geometry (math) class. He also plays Minecraft, so we have a common interest. There were a few kids who tried to bully me, but I ended up reporting three of them to the grade administrator and teachers, and it's toned down a bit.
From what I've heard, it sounds like you've reported about ten kids for various things. I read that profile post about those kids slashing tires, plus that guy who called you Ching Chong, then some cheaters. :p It's cool you found someone who has common interests, though. (Not that Minecrafters are super rare, but it's still nice. :))


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
From what I've heard, it sounds like you've reported about ten kids for various things. I read that profile post about those kids slashing tires, plus that guy who called you Ching Chong, then some cheaters. :p It's cool you found someone who has common interests, though. (Not that Minecrafters are super rare, but it's still nice. :))
Yeah haha, I didn't actually count but I've done it a few times.

I feel that the school system can be a better place, with fewer bullies, but that people don't do what they're supposed to all of the time. Often, kids will let it slide or try to deal with it themselves, but sometimes it just doesn't work.
I, personally, do not think that I'm the type of person that will stand up to the bully in a verbal conflict. If I confront them physically, I'll get suspended. So I do the next best option, and bring the school authorities into the equation.
I spoke to my Guidance Counselor about it, and she said that there's a surprisingly small amount of people who will actually report other students, and because of that they are unable to stop bullying as much as they'd like to. Sometimes they need the cooperation and help of the students to get things done, and this is one of those problems.

Alas, but that's a topic for another thread.


Jul 12, 2014
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My only advice is to sometimes just not care about what people think about you. When I started the equivalent of high school, I was a nobody. It was quite a transition going from a good group of friends and then moving to an older and out of area school, with completely new people. After a couple months of up and down, I got a couple friends with common interests.

I know that people still say things behind my back, and I am in no way popular, but I'm surviving. Mooclan , all I can suggest is that remember that at school it's only for you, for your learning. So just look past any problems you may have, and think "Why should I let a couple people ruin my time getting an education?" and just don't care about them. Because it gets better, it really does :)

Good luck!


Mar 19, 2014
Reaction score
So far I've been doing pretty well - I've had a few depressive relapses, but thus far I've been able to pull out decently.
I haven't made any friends, although I'm getting to know a fellow named Jose in my Geometry (math) class. He also plays Minecraft, so we have a common interest. There were a few kids who tried to bully me, but I ended up reporting three of them to the grade administrator and teachers, and it's toned down a bit.
I hope you find some nice supportive friends, you deserve it. I hate bullies.

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