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Imagination | EU Clan


Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Connor >:3
IGN: Twistaar_
Skypename: Greg has it ;3
Age: 14
Country: Englandd <3
Wins: 0, old: 10
Games played: 0, old: 237, Ye I know there Good xD Will improve on the stats reset next week :D
PvP strengths: Sword, Rod and Flint & Steal
PvP weaknesses: The bow ._.
Previous clan experiences: None, first time applying <3
Why do you want to join Imagination: Well, I have a few friends in and need a clan <3
We dont know you very well, come hang out on our teamspeak and get to know us, we will invite you if we see potential


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Wow, you have a really good win ratio, I wish I was good at pvp lol:p


Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Jonny - Juan
IGN: jonnysgraphics | Vurexy
Skypename: juaneatstaco
Age: 16
Country: le Germany
Wins: 184 | 306
Games played: 1297 | 1917
PvP strengths:
→My PvP strengths, lie in my capability to work as a team and not a "lone-warrior", so to say. Also, I am a fast thinker, which gives me the advantage over some other players. As I am currently located in Germany, I do have decent to good ping. *26-45 average.* I also own a good computer, which allows me to run at higher FPS and so have the upper hand against other, lagging players. I also, as previously stated, come from MCSG, so my FnS skills are at a higher level then some "old-school" hive players. I can honestly state that I can place an FnS down fairly quickly and in the right position so my opponent will walk straight into it, without even noticing I had switched to my FnS. Through my decent to good ping, I can easily get some nice combos. Combined with the FnS, these kill most "decent to good" hive players. I do get called out for hacking due to the combos, yet when I am called out, I record my game-play, just in case someone does manage to ban me. *For the ban-appeal*
PvP weaknesses:
→My PvP Weaknesses are, not being able to land some insane ping hits, as my "e-therent", likes to boost me back to over 126 ping for a short, yet annoying second. This only happens when I have Google-Chrome open. *I rarely do xD* Also, the bow is one of rather weaker points, as I usually don't land the first 4 shots, yet once I get my aim on, there is no escape from the bow spam. xD *I don't bow spam, don't worry :D* Then again, I am quite bad at most water fights, when I don't have a bow with at-least 10 arrows, as like stated, it takes me a while to get going. I do win most water-fights, yet with low hearts, as the opponent always finds a way to escape my sword or bow and dives beneath me to get some juicy combos. *I hate when that happens...*
Previous clan experiences:
HavocMCSG, TeamNano (Hive), Team Tyre (Hive), Team CollideReborn (Hive), many more. xD
Why do you want to join Imagination:
→ I would like to join "Imagination", as I want to take part in CW's and meet new people. I hope to face a better opportunity and to create new friendships and bond together with this clan. Seen as it is active, I definitely favor this clan for it's amazing "community"
- Cheers Jonny.
Here are my Hive Stats:


Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Ville
IGN: Zzzeeroo
Skypename: hdslimexprivat you have me
Age: 12
Country: Sweden
Wins: 289
Games played: 1837
PvP strengths: Most things
PvP weaknesses: Team of 3+ and some hackers
Previous clan experiences: WarloxEU, was trial in Penetration and Imagination
Why do you want to join Imagination: Great community and good players


Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Alex
IGN: GonzaTear2001
Skypename: crakalex23
Games played:4000 there are lots of hax ;(
PvP strengths: fns and 1vs1
PvP weaknesses: 1vs3
Previous clan experiences:


Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Jonny - Juan
IGN: jonnysgraphics | Vurexy
Skypename: juaneatstaco
Age: 16
Country: le Germany
Wins: 184 | 306
Games played: 1297 | 1917
PvP strengths:
→My PvP strengths, lie in my capability to work as a team and not a "lone-warrior", so to say. Also, I am a fast thinker, which gives me the advantage over some other players. As I am currently located in Germany, I do have decent to good ping. *26-45 average.* I also own a good computer, which allows me to run at higher FPS and so have the upper hand against other, lagging players. I also, as previously stated, come from MCSG, so my FnS skills are at a higher level then some "old-school" hive players. I can honestly state that I can place an FnS down fairly quickly and in the right position so my opponent will walk straight into it, without even noticing I had switched to my FnS. Through my decent to good ping, I can easily get some nice combos. Combined with the FnS, these kill most "decent to good" hive players. I do get called out for hacking due to the combos, yet when I am called out, I record my game-play, just in case someone does manage to ban me. *For the ban-appeal*
PvP weaknesses:
→My PvP Weaknesses are, not being able to land some insane ping hits, as my "e-therent", likes to boost me back to over 126 ping for a short, yet annoying second. This only happens when I have Google-Chrome open. *I rarely do xD* Also, the bow is one of rather weaker points, as I usually don't land the first 4 shots, yet once I get my aim on, there is no escape from the bow spam. xD *I don't bow spam, don't worry :D* Then again, I am quite bad at most water fights, when I don't have a bow with at-least 10 arrows, as like stated, it takes me a while to get going. I do win most water-fights, yet with low hearts, as the opponent always finds a way to escape my sword or bow and dives beneath me to get some juicy combos. *I hate when that happens...*
Previous clan experiences:
HavocMCSG, TeamNano (Hive), Team Tyre (Hive), Team CollideReborn (Hive), many more. xD
Why do you want to join Imagination:
→ I would like to join "Imagination", as I want to take part in CW's and meet new people. I hope to face a better opportunity and to create new friendships and bond together with this clan. Seen as it is active, I definitely favor this clan for it's amazing "community"
- Cheers Jonny.
Here are my Hive Stats:

Accepted For Trial! Please join our teamspeak and we will have a conversation


Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Jonny - Juan
IGN: jonnysgraphics | Vurexy
Skypename: juaneatstaco
Age: 16
Country: le Germany
Wins: 184 | 306
Games played: 1297 | 1917
PvP strengths:
→My PvP strengths, lie in my capability to work as a team and not a "lone-warrior", so to say. Also, I am a fast thinker, which gives me the advantage over some other players. As I am currently located in Germany, I do have decent to good ping. *26-45 average.* I also own a good computer, which allows me to run at higher FPS and so have the upper hand against other, lagging players. I also, as previously stated, come from MCSG, so my FnS skills are at a higher level then some "old-school" hive players. I can honestly state that I can place an FnS down fairly quickly and in the right position so my opponent will walk straight into it, without even noticing I had switched to my FnS. Through my decent to good ping, I can easily get some nice combos. Combined with the FnS, these kill most "decent to good" hive players. I do get called out for hacking due to the combos, yet when I am called out, I record my game-play, just in case someone does manage to ban me. *For the ban-appeal*
PvP weaknesses:
→My PvP Weaknesses are, not being able to land some insane ping hits, as my "e-therent", likes to boost me back to over 126 ping for a short, yet annoying second. This only happens when I have Google-Chrome open. *I rarely do xD* Also, the bow is one of rather weaker points, as I usually don't land the first 4 shots, yet once I get my aim on, there is no escape from the bow spam. xD *I don't bow spam, don't worry :D* Then again, I am quite bad at most water fights, when I don't have a bow with at-least 10 arrows, as like stated, it takes me a while to get going. I do win most water-fights, yet with low hearts, as the opponent always finds a way to escape my sword or bow and dives beneath me to get some juicy combos. *I hate when that happens...*
Previous clan experiences:
HavocMCSG, TeamNano (Hive), Team Tyre (Hive), Team CollideReborn (Hive), many more. xD
Why do you want to join Imagination:
→ I would like to join "Imagination", as I want to take part in CW's and meet new people. I hope to face a better opportunity and to create new friendships and bond together with this clan. Seen as it is active, I definitely favor this clan for it's amazing "community"
- Cheers Jonny.
Here are my Hive Stats:
Yay JohnnysGraphics :)

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