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Luckiest MCSG moment

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Aug 18, 2012
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:p Mind you im a big fat NOOB. Our story begins with the voting of breeze island, I have a so & so route which includes about 6 chests. During the first corn rush, which i might add was the most horrible corn yet! There wa about 6 deaths, before i ran into the trees. By the time im half-way through my route (So far i got 1 iron + helmet, bow & arrows a few bowls, and finally a fishing poles.) I see Mr.Career, I soon realised that i was lucky to get my helmet, because if the career was a butter god then i got a good chance at winning! He didnt see me, so i sniped a few arrows (2 hit) and then I ran! By the time i reached that birch tree island the chests were about to refill and this dude comes over with decent leather and a wood axe, i've got a stone sword so i take him on. After a bloddy battle i come out as the winner, he has 1 iron, so after chest refill i go to the hillside manor to craft my sword. Upon that diving board, a flah of silver catches my eye, i push her off to her death, i claim her things, and the match of death begins... All i see is butter god, i chase him around and after the best battle EVA, i kill him, my first win... I didnt realise there was another tribute with a bow, he took advantage of my half a heart, shot me & won... So concludes my most unfortunate event in SG, sorry its not my luckiest thing, i read the message wrong!


Aug 17, 2012
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Well, I have nothing except for a wood sword and no armor. A guy with full iron and a stone sword comes at me. I start running away, and when I hit F5, I saw a guy with full chain and a diamond sword running at the guy with full iron. I take the oppurtunity, and when the guy with full chain and diamond sword kills the guy with full iron, I take 3 hits on him and kill him :p Luckiest win EVER


Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
My best win was my 2nd win ever.

I was playing SG1 and I was camping at corn with nothing hiding (before i got good). I waited until refill, but someone else got it because I was too afraid to charge. I waited until deathmatch, and when it went to deathmatch, this guy stupidly went after this other guy, and both of them went outside the corn and died because of lightning strikes. Awesomeness :)

John jennings

May 13, 2012
Reaction score
I was on map three with a leather hat and stone axe when two people fall down from the bridge from one mountain to another and I go to where they fell and got some iron and chain armor and an iron sword an end up winning that game


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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Hmm, ive had a few lucky moments :p The one i remember now was when MCSG still was on beta (its last days of beta :p) I was playing on Survival Games 1, i was on the edge of the map on a little tower there is on an island, we were only 3 players left when I suddely hear a thunder and then the DM countdown, since i had nothing on me i thaught "oh im so screwed" (and acutally wrote it :p) but then.... I heard another thunder! I was the winner! XD Ill always remember that victory XD It was the last one i got before beta ended and all the data, with my 4 wins, got erased :p

Ahh beta... i miss you sometimes XD (Id have 8 wins right now if the data wasnt erased XD wich is a lot to me :p)


Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Mine was on Survival Games 4. I had yet to win. I was teamed with my friend. This was our first time doing really well. We both had really good armor and diamond swords. We got to the death match and it was just one other guy against us. We get lots of hits on the guy and then I back away to heal and my friend dies. The guy starts running. I shoot an arrow near him just in hopes of scaring him to keep running. I start climbing the ladder, and realize I am seeing people say good game. It turns out, I accidentally hit the guy with my "warning shot" and killed him! Still my favorite win. :D

Chosen One

Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
ok for my story i teamed with 3 people one i skype with one i didnt we went on my route and got leather/gold armor eventually this was on map 1 at the start i got a stone sword near corn and gold chest at corn we went to a house with crafting table and furnace and i got two chests there got 1 iron and a stone sword and some leather i shared it out with my team we stayed there till refill and then went to the twin towers and got iron helm and iron ingot i went back to the house to make iron sword while my team went to pirate ship after that we went to corn to take it i got there first after a long walk and was waiting for my team when i saw that the guy at corn had full iron and a diamond sword but he was crafting so i sneaked up and killed him while he crafted got his Good and took corn me and my team pvp and only me and my skype friend survived my other team member died refill happened again and we eventually both had full iron and diamond swords but i had to go so my friend won for me his name is luke3666rocks we are not that good but we have some brilliant plans :)

another one that i won was on the same map i had chain leggings gold cap and iron boots but only a leather chest i remained that way throughout the game but managed to get a diamond sword problem was there was 5 people left me one other person and a three team all in iron with iron swords i camped at corn in a tree and some guy went to corn i fought him and he nearly killed me (he had shitter stuff than me) i ran and at that moment the three team went into corn and killed my pursuer i used a golden apple and went back to find one snuck off and the two ironers left fought one died i killed the remaining ironer and the sneaker came up behind me and tried to kill me i killed him as while while injured from the first one and won

lucky thing 3 i didn't win but on map two i went to a tower with an obsidian front when i went onto the trees to go to my next chest i was attacked by a guy with a stone sword i had nothing and i managed to kill him by knocking him off the tree i went down and collected his stuff and got iron chest and gold leggings at top of the tower anyway i came third to two teamers with diamond swords after i managed to end up with iron chest iron leggings chain helm gold boots and diamond sword so :(
Dude, ever heard of punctuation? Not trying to be a jerk or anything but seriously, throw some periods in there.


Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
I was playing on Teweran map I guess or the snow map and when i gotto the corn I had a massive loot. I got iron chest and leg and chain helm and boots. I also got 2 diamonds. I made a sword killed a couple of people then a guy in chain armor and iron helm and DIAMOND boots went to the corn to try and make something. He didn't notice me then i killed him. Then 2 potions of healing II and 3 xp bottles popped out of him when I killed him. I took his diamond boots and potions and won the game super easily


Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
It was Sg 1. I had decent armor and a stone sword. There was a team of 3 at corn before refill, all with better gear. They saw me and sent on of their men at me. I sprinted away, and he followed. I eventually hid behind a tree and he was still wandering by. I came out from behind him and murdered him. Ohhh, I bet he raged. Luckily enough i got good gear from him. I started to head back to spawn. It turned out there was a fourth teammate making his way to his team. I was behind him. I murdered that guy. There were now 2 guys with split up full iron armor, they got it from the casino when that still worked. I came up to the cornucopia and said "Killed your friends." They just said "lol, they suck." I decided that I was going to pick them up 1 by 1. I ran up to one and smacked him. They got infuriated and both started chasing me. Luckily I know Sg 1 very well and I know where the traps are, around the cornucopia. I ran up to a lava pit and jumped over it. One of the teammates fell in. Luckily I have pretty good pvp skills, so I turned around and killed the last guy. I raided the corn and won :) So one guy with a stone sword took out a team of 4 with better stuff. Seems legit.

My worst luck though was when I got full iron and a diamond sword from refill. Deathmatch was starting (It was a 48 person game so there was 6 people left). I was dumping some of the crap I didn't need into a lava pit, when the spectators (Because of this weird bug) pushed me into the pool, and I died. When I respawned the specs were laughing at me and I raged a lil.


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
My luckiest moment- a guy with full iron and a diamond sword sucked at pvp, so i killed him easily even though i had leather and gold armor and a stone sword.

My least luckiest moment- A guy with full iron (except pants) and diamond sword attacked me. I had iron helm and pants, and gold chest and stone sword. i ALMOST killed him. maybe 2 hits left. then he ran away. after a while i caught him, but stupid No Cheat+ wouldn't let me hurt him, so i pretty much just sat there and died.


Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
My luckiest moment was killing a full iron armored guy while he was crafting a diamond sword. I only had leather armor and a wooden axe and I ended up winning the game. Sneak attacks ftw <3
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