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MCSG - Not Enough Mods? Way too many Hackers! PLEASE READ

Should MCSG lower their standards?

  • Yes, there aren't enough Moderators!

    Votes: 32 58.2%
  • MCSG is fine as it is!

    Votes: 23 41.8%

  • Total voters
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Moderator | Mapping Team
Apr 10, 2014
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I decided to take a small survery in fact, I recorded at 3:00pm, in all of the lobbys there were NO mods on, 4:30pm, one mod on. I will update it further obviously but am not expecting anything too surprising. Like I said, I understand, Mods need to be mature, and have the right 'qualities' to stay as a mod and be employed. And I really I'm also trying to say that they shouldn't just base it off written apps, more spoken interviews as there they can get a real interpretation of them as a person. Your point about them making the process easier is irrelevant and not to do with what I am talking about, I am talking about just simply considering people a bit more easier, so that they can then say go on to a spoken interview, rather than just getting their written app declined instantly. At the end of the day, Hackers and rule breakers are everywhere, I am getting extremely annoyed, you must be too, and I feel nothing is being done about it. Thats my point
Most of my friends that are mods will disguise in games, so don't base it of that.
Also, I don't recommend basing the mods activity off whether you see them on the servers. Go have a look on the TS, see how many EU mods are on.
Also, the process would be easier if you didn't focus on written applications as much. That is making it easier trust me.
They aren't going to change the way the application is done. So, if you want them to do more interviews then they have to make the written application easier.
And do you know how hard it is to get interviews.
I have been waiting for 5 weeks for mine, and I may have more weeks to go.
Interviews are hard work, for the Sr. Staff.
If you were to pile on more and more interviews, you wouldn't get your interview for months.
If you think you have the qualities to become and moderator apply again?
“Never, never, never give up.”
Winston Churchill

IF this whole thread is because you are upset that you got denied, which I don't think it is, then just keep on trying.

Written apps do not give nearly as much information as spoken interviews do.
That is true, but that is not an excuse the put tons of people through to interview. As I already stated it is hard for the Sr. Staff to do interviews.
This is only gonna make it harder.
The reason for the written apps being first is to help stop a constant flood of interviews. If possible, maybe they would give everyone interview, but it is purposely difficult to get an interview to help get the best, and to not heap tons of people on to the Sr. Staff.


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
So basically this thread is to complain about your mod application being denied and thinking that if you post a thread telling mcsg to lower your standards they may re-think your mod app and accept it. Not gonna happen brah. The staff only hire people best up to standards, and not many people do pass through anything in life on their first try, practice makes perfect. If you gave up on everything the first time you got denied you would get nowhere. I know this as I've been denied countless times for acting roles but if I gave up the first time I'm never going to get a part that I want.

And at 3:00pm / 4:30 pm the majority people are getting home from school or are still in school. I know if I was a mod, I wouldn't be able to come online at that time as my school finishes at 4:00pm and I get home at 5:00pm. And yes, I know there are mods who don't go to school, but they have jobs :3

Instead of complaining, help the mcsg community by reporting rule abusers. Yes, ik it takes a long time to render a video (I'm doing one as I type) but I'd rather have to face 1 less hacker than him go tell his friends that you can hack on this server and get away with it and then have to deal with a team of 4 hackers, not just one.

Thanks for reading and please think before you post these topics, as someone has said before, this has been done so many times and the rules to get mod aren't going anywhere :)


Dec 7, 2013
Reaction score
So basically this thread is to complain about your mod application being denied and thinking that if you post a thread telling mcsg to lower your standards they may re-think your mod app and accept it.

And at 3:00pm / 4:30 pm the majority people are getting home from school or are still in school. I know if I was a mod I wouldn't be able to come online at that time as my school finishes at 4:00pm and I get home at 5:00pm. And yes, I know there are mods who don't go to school, but they have jobs :3

Instead of complaining, help the mcsg community by reporting rule abusers. Yes, ik it takes a long time to render a video (I'm doing one as I type) but I'd rather have to face 1 less hacker than him go tell his friends that you can hack on this server and get away with it.

Thanks for reading :3
I don't personally think this is what was meant by the thread, but merely that he felt the high amount of emphasise they put on the written application means that there are less possible moderators that would join the possible staff team, and I feel this was not made to say how it would be easier to get moderator rank, but the interview stage should have a larger role to play than it has now. I see the obvious problems with this but maybe there could be a compromise to be made, I am not the one who enforces nor makes rules, but this is my point of view. Also, as today is a saturday, I would expect moderators would not be at work/school, and as it is a weekend, I presume Aslan would have expected even more mods on than usual due to the increase of players online. Thanks for reading :D


Mar 3, 2013
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Also remember to respect the senior staff :). You have shown your fair side of the situation however Senior mods are in charge of choosing new moderators. They receive aproximately 50 applicants on a daily basis. They work their hardest on these servers andthey have a life outside of MCSG. They expect for your application to be up to
standards meaning quality and quantity. The quote "Quality not Quantity" also applies to the MCSG moderators. In my opinion, it's better to have quality mods rather than having a large quantity of mids that are not up to standard :)


Apr 14, 2014
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I wrote a 2.2k-word moderator application and I'm probably not going to make it past pending.

What I'm getting at here is that standards must be consistent to keep the staff team professional. The lower the bar is set for moderator applications, the lower the quality of the people making it into the staff team. Quality > quantity in your application is an ironclad rule of being staff.

If you do find a hacker, remember that mods being constantly in game watching over the servers isn't the only option- use some initiative and poke a mod in TS or even record hackers and report them on the forums. :)


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
There have been many threads like this that really annoy me, because they are created from ignorance at the majority of the time. I know its annoying, but the only thing you can do is to help the staff team as much as you can rather than ranting on the forums. Here's an interesting fact that had been made by Captain | Lqzer:

On the 30th of May, 2014
  • 1,496 bans had been issued within 24 hours.
  • 63,926 players had played 16,427 games over 24 hours.
That's a lot of players! This is clear evidence that the staff team work so hard for the community with their limited numbers despite other commitments. Remember, that the work they do is entirely VOLUNTARY. I'm friends with many of the moderators and I understand the burden they have to deal with. They're not just dealing with hackers, but also other players that make your game and forum experience a living hell. I've got to the interview stage and I got declined. I know what the entire process involves, they only hire the best people. Think about it, if a person with a previous bad history on MCGamer becomes a moderator, that person can potentially exploit the responsibilities that he/she has been given. Do you really want that person as a moderator? NO. If you did fully understand why MCSG must employ the right people, then you wouldn't be making this thread in the first place; it's a massive contradiction.

I also agree with Rebound4 and I think that you're indirectly complaining about your application being denied, which will make it even more unlikely for you to become a moderator. For everyone else who has the same opinion about the lack of moderators...please don't complain, moan and/or rant. Play your role of making this community better and reduce the burden that the staff already have to deal with.

If you see a hacker, or anyone else who may be breaking the rules, please report those players at:
Last edited:


Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
Another small update, as of now, it is 4:05pm (UK) and not a single moderator in the LOBBYS, I understand you have to account for moderators possibly in games, and also account for moderators that physically cannot be playing. Do not see this as a complete rant, and I am not saying posting this thread 'because I got denied for mod', simply trying to aid the community in some way and seeing if change may be seen as the right course of action. I see that it is extremely difficult for the people that moderate and run MC Gamer as it is, but merely think that the particular situation with hackers, should be dealt with somehow, and the best way obviously would be to have people themselves ban them. I have just played 3 games, all of which I came across a hacker, and got killed. Fair enough this all does seem like a 'rant', and 'just another one of those posts', which is quite controversial in some ways, but surely something can be done.


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Another small update, as of now, it is 4:05pm (UK) and not a single moderator in the LOBBYS, I understand you have to account for moderators possibly in games, and also account for moderators that physically cannot be playing. Do not see this as a complete rant, and I am not saying posting this thread 'because I got denied for mod', simply trying to aid the community in some way and seeing if change may be seen as the right course of action. I see that it is extremely difficult for the people that moderate and run MC Gamer as it is, but merely think that the particular situation with hackers, should be dealt with somehow, and the best way obviously would be to have people themselves ban them. I have just played 3 games, all of which I came across a hacker, and got killed. Fair enough this all does seem like a 'rant', and 'just another one of those posts', which is quite controversial in some ways, but surely something can be done.
I'm sorry but you're contradicting yourself again. You say that you're trying to aid the community, yet you're not giving any potential constructive criticism for the staff to act upon. Did you not read my post above?. Do you not think that the staff aren't already fully aware of the hacker situation, many threads have been made like this, and it is very frustrating to see them time and time again.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
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Okay guys, as all of you know, and I am NOT the only one, hackers on MCSG (specifically EU) are just out of hand now
This statement is actually false. Yes about a month ago we did have a problem more specifically with regeneration hackers. As you may have witnessed on a front page post that we recently developed a plugin that stops regeneration hackers. You can see the effectiveness of this by looking at this nice statistic:
  • 1,223 bans have been issued in the past 24 hours
I play quiet a lot and I find that there is a lot less hackers than before, I am sure a lot of our player base can agree with this. This due to the fact that regeneration hackers have been eliminated and now we only have to deal with regular hacks.

Next you say that there is not enough moderators. Okay in a counter argument against this statement I will tell you this, it is now almost 5pm BST. I have been on Teamspeak since 8AM and I have gotten 6 pokes about a hacker and I have [poke if needed] in my name. That is what I would get on average. Now I don't exactly consider that heart breaking work. If we hire to many staff members there will be an influx of staff members that will look inactive because they are not given the opportunity to punish people.

Very recently I posted a Moderator Application, it was roughly 1200 words and consisted of what I thought was 'half decent material'. I got denied for lacking detail and needing more information, and the answers being shorter than standards. I have been told by Mods themselves that it is quality not quantity, and the fact that I got declined for 'Answers are shorter than standards', kind of seems irrelevant to me. Now, I fully understand that MCSG MUST employ the right people, because of the servers massive reputation, and security, but I seriously feel that Mods could be employed in a different way, or, 'more easily',
I am sorry but you will not get staff on our servers with a "half decent application", it needs to be exceptionally good.

Yes for the most part it is about quality not quantity, that does not mean that you make it short. You have to expand on your answers and detail them. That is how you get length not by writing 3000 words of rubbish. The reason we hold applications to such a high standard is because we need to trust the person applying and we need to be confident they have the right personality/ motivation for the job. If you write a "half decent application" it shows laziness and that you will not be committed to our servers and that is not the type of person we want to give a great amount of authority to.

I am sure I could be easily backed up by plenty of people that also consider this to be very, very, and unfortunately true. Like I said, I love MCSG, and am not trying to start any kind of flame war, only trying to help the community, and make it a better place.
You say you are not trying to start a flame war, but a thread like this seems that you are just ranting and not actually given constructive criticism. We love when people give there opinion it helps us improve but once you give it in the right way!


Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
This statement is actually false. Yes about a month ago we did have a problem more specifically with regeneration hackers. As you may have witnessed on a front page post that we recently developed a plugin that stops regeneration hackers. You can see the effectiveness of this by looking at this nice statistic:
  • 1,223 bans have been issued in the past 24 hours
I play quiet a lot and I find that there is a lot less hackers than before, I am sure a lot of our player base can agree with this. This due to the fact that regeneration hackers have been eliminated and now we only have to deal with regular hacks.

Next you say that there is not enough moderators. Okay in a counter argument against this statement I will tell you this, it is now almost 5pm BST. I have been on Teamspeak since 8AM and I have gotten 6 pokes about a hacker and I have [poke if needed] in my name. That is what I would get on average. Now I don't exactly consider that heart breaking work. If we hire to many staff members there will be an influx of staff members that will look inactive because they are not given the opportunity to punish people.

I am sorry but you will not get staff on our servers with a "half decent application", it needs to be exceptionally good.

Yes for the most part it is about quality not quantity, that does not mean that you make it short. You have to expand on your answers and detail them. That is how you get length not by writing 3000 words of rubbish. The reason we hold applications to such a high standard is because we need to trust the person applying and we need to be confident they have the right personality/ motivation for the job. If you write a "half decent application" it shows laziness and that you will not be committed to our servers and that is not the type of person we want to give a great amount of authority to.

You say you are not trying to start a flame war, but a thread like this seems that you are just ranting and not actually given constructive criticism. We love when people give there opinion it helps us improve but once you give it in the right way!
Well then, perhaps all of this is a complete waste of time, and not the potential eye opener I thought it could be, sorry for the trouble its caused, but I thought it might make some kind of change, the Constructive criticism is worth nil then if its already been clarified that it won't make a change. Thanks anyway guys for putting up with 'yet another one of these posts' :)
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