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SURVIVAL GAMES Par 72 (Christmas Edition)


Nov 1, 2015
Reaction score
I don't quite understand why you keep revamping the original map or make this when like FusionDeck said earlier you could build a original one. I'd like to know why you wouldn't do that but I think a trilogy of the same map is interesting as well.

As for the map it's hard to see how much time and effort you put in the map because there's not much screenshots and the shaders get rid of the detail, but I think you have to prepared to take the criticism when re-re-vamping your map because it doesn't take too much effort to world edit, and build new things here and there. It's not like your re-constructing the map which would take effort but I can't see any here.

Just saying what I see. Default screenshots might change my opinion but it's up to you whether you will make the effort to make them.


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
I don't quite understand why you keep revamping the original map or make this when like FusionDeck said earlier you could build a original one. I'd like to know why you wouldn't do that but I think a trilogy of the same map is interesting as well.

As for the map it's hard to see how much time and effort you put in the map because there's not much screenshots and the shaders get rid of the detail, but I think you have to prepared to take the criticism when re-re-vamping your map because it doesn't take too much effort to world edit, and build new things here and there. It's not like your re-constructing the map which would take effort but I can't see any here.

Just saying what I see. Default screenshots might change my opinion but it's up to you whether you will make the effort to make them.
As both Haley and I said, we don't have time to come up with a whole new idea for a map, have time to build it, in time for the Christmas holidays. It's like MCGamer updating their hubs, it's just for the holiday. It will go back to what version of Par is on once Christmas is over. But like I commented to Fusion, if you want to build a whole new Christmas map, and post it on the forums, for consideration to get accepted on the servers, go right ahead, no one is stopping you.

As for the default screenshots, Imgur was down when we were ready to post the thread. I'll remind Haley to put them in an album and update the first post.


Jul 7, 2015
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⁂ Lead Builder(s) ⁂

Haley (Lemonz87)
Steph (StephanieMarie)

⁂ Little Elves ⁂


⁂ Game Type ⁂

Survival Games

⁂ Map Description ⁂

Par 72 has taken a turn for the holiday season! Now complete with a giant tree adorned with the heads of the community, a beautiful snowman, multiple skating rinks, and SNOW SNOW SNOW, the map is ready to re-introduce itself as a beacon of holiday spirit! With much love, Stephanie and I present to you, Par 72 Christmas Edition!

~ Cords of Corn ~
x: 2063
y: 37
z: -405

~ Build Time ~
5 Hours

~ Other Threads ~
Par 72
Par 72 Update

Because this map will be MCSG exclusive, the Download Link will be kept private. Please do not ask for the link.

I,Lemonz87 agree and accept that by submitting this map to the MCGamer Network for consideration it may be altered by the staff of MCGamer at any time in order to make gameplay changes. Also, by accepting this you understand that any violation of the map guidelines such as, but not limited to OP items being placed, may result in the immediate removal of your map and or any associated given ranks (VIP) from our servers. The MCGamer staff have full rights to decide whether or not the map in question is applied to or remains on the server network and the status of the map is subject to change at any time.

Looks awesome guys! Keep up the great map building!


Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Santa better be there or i no play ;(

Axel | PlazaGames

I don't understand why people don't like this map.. If it wasn't for the par 72 builders, we probably wouldn't have special maps for Christmas.
And instead of dissing the map, without even trying it, why don't you guys try and make a map yourselves? I wanna see how that goes..

Good work Hailey, Stephanie and the rest of the crew, if there is! ;)


May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Seems kinda lazy to revamp the map instead of make a new christmas map, gl!

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