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Perm-banned. Ban Upheld. Twee's out.


Sep 15, 2013
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KR 'Hey, I hacked in a few games back in V1'

Admitted to hacks = ban. Lol jkjk ily, plus good explanation


Jul 17, 2012
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hi i can see stuff from the perspective of both the community and staff so hey what's up

The reason this rule exists is to prevent people removing evidence of legitimate rule-breakers. The way it works is that you are only banned until the evidence is re-uploaded. On another network I am staff on, we have a similar rule that people thought was dumb until explained. On this network, if you have an inappropriate or offensive skin you are permanently banned. Sounds unreasonable, right? However, once you've changed your skin, you appeal and are unbanned. Those scenarios are pretty much the same; you are permanently banned until you correct the wrong-doing. People are only being presented with half of the situation and judging based on that.

This rule was introduced because of the issues it had caused at the time. People were being bullied and harassed until they deleted evidence. This situation occurred so many times that actions had to be taken to fight back and give those being attacked a defense against it.

And in response to the "hackers get a second chance how ridiculous blah blah" comments: people can change, other people do it for whatever reasons. Hey, I hacked in a few games back in V1 just so I could test what the clients did against other players. I then switched my jar, and started watching out for other players doing those things. That is what actually inspired me to become a staff member. If I got caught and permanently banned back then, I would never have had a chance to become active in this community, I would never have become a moderator, I would never have become a senior mod, I would never have become an admin.
The rule makes sense in that aspect, but there's no way Twee could have re-uploaded it. He deleted the footage before the rule was put in place, and not for the reason of getting the rule breaker un-banned. He just deleted all of his videos. Videos take up alot of hard drive space and are really hard to keep a hold of. In my opinion there should be more investigation into if the person actually deleted the evidence to get the rule breaker unbanned, or if it was coincidence or an accident.


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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I swear... Im getting fed up with this.... over half of the fun active people that I have seen appear on these forums end their time on MCSG banned... granted, I dont know the reason behind each and every ban, but seriously, it would be ridiculous if most of them deserved it taking into account the fact that Im talking about, in one way or another, respected members of the community. I guess its one forumer less here :( this is one of the many cases I have already seen... makes me wonder why Im still here when about everybody from the time I joined is gone and people that come and join later end up the same way... (I know it might sound overly dramatic... but seeing so many people leave in a bad note like this, and for such stupid reasons, is really getting on my nerve)
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Dec 21, 2013
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Also, sorry to see you go Twee, I really looked up to you and your posting :C
Welcome to a new era, where the community users get banned but the hackers don't, GG!

Does chad even know of what's going on in this community and what rules are being made? To me it seems like no...
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2014
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I hope you take action ChadTheDJ

Twee was a great guy

Now, put yourself in the spot of twee and Cscoop, That dedicated at least a year into this server and it's all wasted. Donor and a Great hobby. Meanwhile you ignore the small facts that make this community while you sit back and forget about us. If you want a better community I say give them a chanse. Put yourself in their shoes, if I got banned for this, I would be pissed. Do something about this god dam problem or give them a chanse. If you want a better community then take action.

I'm furious.
hehe chanse

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