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Questions for you guys about Survival Games 3

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Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
1 My favorite map is the second,many places to hide and lots of well hidden chests

2 I don't really have a tactic but usually I loot chests and hide in house whill killing the passer-bys and loot them too

3 More types of landscape,some floating land would be nice,I know it is too much,but I'd appriciate it

4 More places to hide and open places for duelling and fighting,and a better underground tunnel system,something more then the Metro in SG 2

Ty for readding :)


May 22, 2012
Reaction score

1. The best map is map_1. Its so much more fun and lots of funny hidden things. and forest is more fun in combat then city. Map_2 is more for eye candy then gameplay.

2. I am good at start, i rush in for the middle, grab everything in a chest closest to me. If i get a sword, i go back, and hide to kill everyone who didnt get much, then run to assasinate the better geared people. Often try to get middle at night.

3. More chests in the city map (2) that isnt emty. And more traps in both maps.

4. A door to outside in the lobby :p and ofc less server restarts. but that isnt important at all.


May 22, 2012
Reaction score
1.i like map 2 because of all the buildings which means you can sneak more

2. i run around and hide every now and again and when i see an enemy i either run or attack depending on what weapons i have.

3. none that i can think of

4. i think there should be some temwork puxxles in order to get items!(by two obviously)
U are not suposed to teamwork. You can, you should, but its every one for himself.


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
SG2 because first of all its so creatively done, its always a pleasure to look at. And in terms of game play its just more exciting to see people fighting in a some what real world environment rather than sg1 which looks like a regular minecraft render more or less.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
The best tactic is usually to collect as much as possible from the outskirts until its only 4 or 5 people left, then move towards the center to hunt them.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
Yeah, the first map is a tiny bit unexciting. The terrain doesnt have a lot of recognizable landmarks. And the second map once your on a building getting down is next to impossible, so I think there should be a decent sized water pool at the base of most that once at the top you can jump into.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
Add some MASSIVE red stone traps. For instance, a timed part of the ground that suddenly shoots up and becomes a cliff, and just things like that that make the map more dynamic while your battling. Basically the more random stuff that can happen in a fight the more entertaining. This isnt meant just to be "minecraft fighting" its the survival games so cool and unexpected shizniz is supposed to happen. Also the final fight when people get center teleported could be more dynamic also.


May 8, 2012
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Wow look at the views! Looks like the new players are trying to use our tatics...


Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score

My name is Vareide and I am the creator of the Survival Games maps. Me and my awesome builders over at my server are currently working on Survivial Games 3.

Our goals with map number 3 is to make it both fun to play and make it very good looking. When we make these maps, we put a lot of work and thought in to how to make the map as balanced and fun to play. And we need your help to make sure they are as good as they can be!

So I have some questions for you guys, and if you have time I would love hear your thoughts.

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

And by the way, my channel is running for King of the web! We are right now at 2. place and we would love your support by voting for us. It's completely free and you can vote 10 times a day.


ChadTheDJ: Please keep in mind that these questions are directed to the Survival Games MAPS, not our servers or our custom plugin! Anything feature requests relating to MCSG needs to be posted here. This is not a scam and sad that I had to add this but here is him linking this thread from his twitter.
1. I prefer Map 2 because it has more platforming and hiding spots and traps that make for more exciting and fun matches.
2. Map 1: I instantly take to the woods and find food and items. After all of the beginning bloodshed is finished, I go scout out the center. If there are tributes there I stay away (unless they are unarmored, alone, and unarmed and I have a good chance of sneaking up on them), and if there isn't, I make for the items in the chests. Map 2: I find a vacant building with chests and camp out there until I think it is safe then I sneak around and hunt down other tributes.
3. Make it easier to get food! Put in more animals that you can kill for meat and supply more hidden furnaces so people can cook them. Also make it easier to get bowls for mushroom stew. You might even want to put in mooshrooms!
4. Please post the status of indivisual matches online: Next to whether the server is online, have it say what stage the server is at (lobby, match, # of people left alive, amount of time until deathmatch, etc.).


May 30, 2012
Reaction score

My name is Vareide and I am the creator of the Survival Games maps. Me and my awesome builders over at my server are currently working on Survivial Games 3.

Our goals with map number 3 is to make it both fun to play and make it very good looking. When we make these maps, we put a lot of work and thought in to how to make the map as balanced and fun to play. And we need your help to make sure they are as good as they can be!

So I have some questions for you guys, and if you have time I would love hear your thoughts.

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

And by the way, my channel is running for King of the web! We are right now at 2. place and we would love your support by voting for us. It's completely free and you can vote 10 times a day.


ChadTheDJ: Please keep in mind that these questions are directed to the Survival Games MAPS, not our servers or our custom plugin! Anything feature requests relating to MCSG needs to be posted here. This is not a scam and sad that I had to add this but here is him linking this thread from his twitter.

My name is Vareide and I am the creator of the Survival Games maps. Me and my awesome builders over at my server are currently working on Survivial Games 3.

Our goals with map number 3 is to make it both fun to play and make it very good looking. When we make these maps, we put a lot of work and thought in to how to make the map as balanced and fun to play. And we need your help to make sure they are as good as they can be!

So I have some questions for you guys, and if you have time I would love hear your thoughts.

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?

2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?

3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?

And by the way, my channel is running for King of the web! We are right now at 2. place and we would love your support by voting for us. It's completely free and you can vote 10 times a day.


ChadTheDJ: Please keep in mind that these questions are directed to the Survival Games MAPS, not our servers or our custom plugin! Anything feature requests relating to MCSG needs to be posted here. This is not a scam and sad that I had to add this but here is him linking this thread from his twitter.

What is the best map and why?

I just joined and haven't played either of the maps


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
1. Best Map?
1st map. As i like how flat it is, the height on the 2nd map spoils it although the detail in the second map is great!

2. Tactic?
Run to the middle and grab what ever you can, then i take a path that i had planned out when SPEC, i try and make it back to the middle before night picking up anything on the way, after getting everything from the center after the chests have been refilled its pretty easy from then on... Hunting time :D

3. Would I Change Anything?
I wouldnt say much needs changing just keep making these amazing maps. Maybe different sized maps though to vary people game-play ( e.g with smaller maps people will be more concentrated making for a quicker more exiting game, Large maps would let the player take their time and plan out a strategy. )

4. Something I Would Add?
I would make the centre a much more risky option, there needs to be a much higher chance of you dieing if you choose to go back to the centre at the start and when the chests refill.

hope these answers helped :D


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
1) The first map. It seems to be twice as large (in surface area) from the city map. Also, I can build up a decent stash by looting chests in the outskirts of the map. I also like how you can get easily lost if you simply wander, so it adds another level of tension. The single biggest problem I have with the city map is that I could open up to 10 different outskirts chests and not find a single item, and not because of others looting. Many times I will manage to reach a very difficult to reach chests, and find nothing.

2) As a solo player, I know i have maybe a 25% chance of surviving and 10% chance of finding anything decent. So I tend to immediately run for the outskirts where I can loot some chests in peace and try to build a decent stash. One thing I've noticed: there are NEVER iron equips in outskirts chests. This makes it nearly impossible to win.

3)How about adding a mountain or 2? Or maybe a complex underground that runs the length of the map? Both would add a sense of verticality that it currently lacks.

4)As someone said earlier, enchanting would be interesting, but only if it was a very simple version of it. And enchanting table should be scattered around much like crafting tables are. I also think that ovens are extremely rare, and more (if only a couple) should be added. Also, as someone mentioned earlier, sponsors would make for more interesting, and potentially more balanced games.Games tend to be pretty short right now, so any increase in game length would be interesting.


May 9, 2012
Reaction score
1. The second. It contains many hiding places.
2. Before-hand, I memorize where chests are. I them find them, and hide until the death match, killing anyone that gets near.
3. A more flat surface, where it is easier to see your enemies. Still have building and caves though.
4. Sponsorship. Some sort of system that during the match, tributes rack up "points", that they use to give items to other tributes when they die.

Samuel Smith

Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score

My name is Vareide and I am the creator of the Survival Games maps. Me and my awesome builders over at my server are currently working on Survivial Games 3.

Our goals with map number 3 is to make it both fun to play and make it very good looking. When we make these maps, we put a lot of work and thought in to how to make the map as balanced and fun to play. And we need your help to make sure they are as good as they can be!

So I have some questions for you guys, and if you have time I would love hear your thoughts.

1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I love the first map (The forest) because the chests are more balanced, winning in map 1 doesn't depend on control of the cornucopia, so you have more options for strategy.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
In map 1, I run towards the edge of the map, and collect stuff from chests until their are very few people left and then I go towards the center and focus on killing people. In map 2, I go for the cornucopia, if people empty the chests before I get there, I find a weapon and lay low until the chests are refilled, then I go to the cornucopia and try to get decent weapons and armor. I usually die if I don't get stuff from the cornucopia at the beginning.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
I think a lot of people have grown used to the current maps. A way to improve this would be to redesign the maps to have more secret areas and somehow make chests spawn randomly at these locations, this would make the game more fair, people who've been playing for a long time wouldn't have as big of an advantage over the new people.

4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
I think you should make enchanted weapons spawn randomly in chests, this would add a lot more variety to character-character fighting, the enchantments would be random, with more powerful enchantments less likely than weak enchantments. Also, for the city map, you should give the cornucopia fewer powerful items, this would make the game based more on skill than on who got to the cornucopia first.

And by the way, my channel is running for King of the web! We are right now at 2. place and we would love your support by voting for us. It's completely free and you can vote 10 times a day.


ChadTheDJ: Please keep in mind that these questions are directed for the Survival Games MAPS, not our servers or our custom plugin! Anything feature requests relating to MCSG needs to be posted here. This is not a scam and sad that I had to add this but here is him linking this thread from his twitter.


Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
1. What is your favorite map and why (in terms of gameplay)?
I prefer the city map because I find the forest map really boring as to me it's just a boring forest and I rarely find anything that might have a chest in it. In the city map there are loads of buildings so I find something different every time I play it.
2. What is your best tactic when you play (on both of the maps)?
The usual grab whatever I can from the middle chests and kill someone if possible, then I run away in a random direction looking for chests or if I managed to get a sword I'll put killing people at a slightly higher priority than usual.
3. Is there something you would like to be changed in the vanilla version of SG (on the map itself , not these servers)?
4. Is there something you would like to be added to SG, and why?
I haven't played enough to get ideas that I think would improve it, and I don't know which one the vanilla map is.
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