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Sovereign {US Clan}

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May 23, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: ProfessorRetro
  • Age: 13.
  • Timezone: EST.
  • Wins/Games played: 289 wins, and around 2600 games played.
  • Skype ID: theprofessorretro
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes.
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes, a Turtle Beach X12.
  • PVP Strengths: Bow, combo locking, fishing rod technique, I use the fishing rod although I use it more offensively then defensively, I'm really good at dodging bow snipes, deception tactics, I'm good with the sword in general, FnS, FnS combos, parkour, and my good chest routes on MANY maps.
  • PVP Weaknesses: Fighting when I'm at a disadvantage when it comes to gear.
  • How active are you?: I'm on every day for atleast 1 - 2 hours on weekdays, atleast 3 on weekends.
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: I want to join Sovereign because I have been completating to or not to for a while. It's been a few months since I've been in an actual clan (not including my clan #Rising which lasted a week). I know many of the members within Sovereign and am friends with them, so I feel once I get to know the others, I'd be at home with Soveriegn. And it's not just that. You guys are an amazing clan. It's not just from reading the first page of the OP and seeing all these good people. I've spectated scrims and such and seen the teamwork and saw a force to be reckon with. If you can't beat them join them.
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I am a good PvPer overall. My teamwork skills are really good. I would not hinder you guys in any way, but rather help you guys out in any way I can. As I don't really know what you guys need help with, when I find out I'll help you guys!
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: Cat, Hack, Hyper, Tyler, killerkons, cheesecake, MNGLOGANp, Legit_xTBoner, Pokemons, Foopy and I think some more but I'm not sure.
  • Additional comments: I know that my W/R Ratio is not the greatest, and some members might hate me, but all I'm asking for is a chance to prove myself :)
Last edited:
Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: killyourbutt
  • Age: 13.
  • Timezone: CDT 1 hour behind EST.
  • Wins/Games played: 957 out of 4571, I started playing MCSG not knowing ANYTHING about PvP, I was so stupid and dumb I thought EU was for the best players US average players and thought AU was for the bad players.
  • Skype ID: mensab19
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yuppers.
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yuppers.
  • PVP Strengths: Combo locking, Bow spamming I am really good at shooting and my dodging is getting pretty good, I am really good with the fishing rod, I need to use it more defensively, I am pretty good with the sword as well.
  • PVP Weaknesses: Bow dodging, i'm good but not as good as I want to be.
  • How active are you?: Really active about 8-15 hours a day #nolyfe
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: Because it is a really good clan very competitive and is full of great pvpers and this clan grows and gets better each day and I want to be apart of that.
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I have great teamwork and I thin I am pretty good at PvP.
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: HackIFanPlease, Hyperfuse, LEGIT_xTBONE, CatOnAPoptart, richie5777 and Defresa
  • Additional comments: Nope.


Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: ProfessorRetro
  • Age: 13.
  • Timezone: EST.
  • Wins/Games played: 289 wins, and around 2600 games played.
  • Skype ID: theprofessorretro
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes.
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes, a Turtle Beach X12.
  • PVP Strengths: Bow, combo locking, fishing rod technique, I use the fishing rod although I use it more offensively then defensively, I'm really good at dodging bow snipes, deception tactics, I'm good with the sword in general, FnS, FnS combos, parkour, and my good chest routes on MANY maps.
  • PVP Weaknesses: Fighting when I'm at a disadvantage when it comes to gear.
  • How active are you?: I'm on every day for atleast 1 - 2 hours on weekdays, atleast 3 on weekends.
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: I want to join Sovereign because I have been completating to or not to for a while. It's been a few months since I've been in an actual clan (not including my clan #Rising which lasted a week). I know many of the members within Sovereign and am friends with them, so I feel once I get to know the others, I'd be at home with Soveriegn. And it's not just that. You guys are an amazing clan. It's not just from reading the first page of the OP and seeing all these good people. I've spectated scrims and such and seen the teamwork and saw a force to be reckon with. If you can't beat them join them.
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I am a good PvPer overall. My teamwork skills are really good. I would not hinder you guys in any way, but rather help you guys out in any way I can. As I don't really know what you guys need help with, when I find out I'll help you guys!
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: Cat, Hack, Hyper, Tyler, killerkons, cheesecake, MNGLOGANp, Legit_xTBoner, Pokemons, Foopy and I think some more but I'm not sure.
  • Additional comments: I know that my W/R Ratio is not the greatest, and some members might hate me, but all I'm asking for is a chance to prove myself :)
  • Minecraft IGN: killyourbutt
  • Age: 13.
  • Timezone: CDT 1 hour behind EST.
  • Wins/Games played: 957 out of 4571, I started playing MCSG not knowing ANYTHING about PvP, I was so stupid and dumb I thought EU was for the best players US average players and thought AU was for the bad players.
  • Skype ID: mensab19
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yuppers.
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yuppers.
  • PVP Strengths: Combo locking, Bow spamming I am really good at shooting and my dodging is getting pretty good, I am really good with the fishing rod, I need to use it more defensively, I am pretty good with the sword as well.
  • PVP Weaknesses: Bow dodging, i'm good but not as good as I want to be.
  • How active are you?: Really active about 8-15 hours a day #nolyfe
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: Because it is a really good clan very competitive and is full of great pvpers and this clan grows and gets better each day and I want to be apart of that.
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I have great teamwork and I thin I am pretty good at PvP.
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: HackIFanPlease, Hyperfuse, LEGIT_xTBONE, CatOnAPoptart, richie5777 and Defresa
  • Additional comments: Nope.


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
You May Haite me but fuk yolo beeches


  • Minecraft IGN:fapper
  • Age:14
  • Timezone:idk
  • Wins/Games played:500+
  • Skype ID:con
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]:...
  • Mic [Y/N]:idk
  • PVP Strengths:fapping
  • PVP Weaknesses:not fapping hard enough
  • How active are you?: 0.5
  • Why do you want to join Sovereign?: Cause fuk yolo
  • How would you benefit the clan?:my yolo
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?:idk
  • Additional comments:fuk yolo beeches
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