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The Hell Games 3-You Ready Bro? {Apply Here}

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Mar 8, 2013
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IGN(required): Nadarekyle
Age(required): 15
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): Because I applied for the First Hell Games late, and was unable to attend with my place in the Second Hell Games due to other commitments. This is a seriously amazing event, and I would absolutely love to take part. Also, you know what they say - third time's a charm ;)
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): I think I'm around the 300th mark. I have 139 wins.
Can you record?: Probably, but it'll be a laggy video with very little quality.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yep. Nadarekyle.
How many subscribers do you have? FOUR! Beat that o_O
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Ehhhh, not really. :p I want to branch out, but I keep getting pulled back in :p
What timezone do you live in? EST.
Additional info: I'm an elf, as some of you may know. I got a new forum account, since my old ones (Nadarekyle, NadarekyleTV) are discouraged and inaccurate, respectively. My life's all topsy-turvy at the moment, so expect randomness and inconsistency :S

Lukas Bisket

Aug 20, 2012
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IGN(required): ExplosiveBisket
Age(required): 15
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): I was in Hell Gmaews 2; Unfortunately i died in deathmatch because of terrible lag.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): On my mkilop2; I have 203 wins, On Pat_T I have 62 wins, On Explosive I have 53 wins = 318 Wins. ~130 on leaderboards
Can you record?: I can.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): www.youtube.com/mkilop2
How many subscribers do you have? 150
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Well, the new leaderboards are coming up today, NOLYFE
What timezone do you live in? EST
Additional info: eshancowee is my brother. :eek:


Nov 8, 2012
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Yay, Hell Games 3! :)
IGN(required): sazaking
Age(required): 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event? (required): The others looked really fun and I love the idea of the Hell Games c:
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): Well, before the update I was 40th in AU (After I stopped playing for a bit) and now in the global leaderboards I am 381.
Can you record?: Yes!
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): MrSazaking
How many subscribers do you have? I only have 13... D: Although I haven't posted that much content on there yet.
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: MCSG's my life.
What timezone do you live in? GMT+8
Additional info: Well, I know my app's not the best but I'm a decent player and the hell games would be an amazing experience for me.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I was told I already get to be in the 3rd one because of how I died in the 2nd one, but I think I should apply anyways.
IGN(required): I don't have an IGN, that's crazy... (Half_Squirrel)
Age(required): I was never born, sorry. (13)
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): It looks really fun, and I died unfairly last time so I never got to experience the awesomeness :(
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): Somewhere around 190 wins :p Don't know the number.
Can you record?: No, sadly :(
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): I have a youtube channel, I don't upload videos though :p I help with @The_Arena_Master's channel called Walrus Explosion though.
How many subscribers do you have? I have 1, he has over 100 now, going up quite well I think :)
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: I play on the Hive servers for THB and TIMV sometimes, but I don't know where the leaderboards for them are. I'm probably not very high in them though.
What timezone do you live in? I'm in EST (GMT -5)
Additional info: Err... Luv ya guys? <3 :p


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): Nadarekyle
Age(required): 15
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): Because I applied for the First Hell Games late, and was unable to attend with my place in the Second Hell Games due to other commitments. This is a seriously amazing event, and I would absolutely love to take part. Also, you know what they say - third time's a charm ;)
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): I think I'm around the 300th mark. I have 139 wins.
Can you record?: Probably, but it'll be a laggy video with very little quality.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yep. Nadarekyle.
How many subscribers do you have? FOUR! Beat that o_O
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Ehhhh, not really. :p I want to branch out, but I keep getting pulled back in :p
What timezone do you live in? EST.
Additional info: I'm an elf, as some of you may know. I got a new forum account, since my old ones (Nadarekyle, NadarekyleTV) are discouraged and inaccurate, respectively. My life's all topsy-turvy at the moment, so expect randomness and inconsistency :S


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Was about meh?


Mar 8, 2013
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Adam Burton

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): Flexvoid
Age(required): 15
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): Because it looks like a lot of fun and i have friends who want to play to! I'm also quite competitive and i think that the hell games looks more of a challenge than the regular hunger games
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): 138
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, FlexvoidHD
How many subscribers do you have? 385
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Urm not really, i play occasional other servers like the walls PvP and a few others but i don't really know where i am on the leaderboards and i don't play enough to be very high up
What timezone do you live in? GMT
Additional info: I haven't played before, only heard about it, so this is my first opportunity to play :3


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
IGN(required): Geanhimes
Age(required): 14
Why do you wan't to be a part of this event? (required): I want finally be a part of it and experience for myself instead of just watching it.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?(required): I used to be #163, but because of this new merged thing, I am in the #400's -_-
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, EliteGamerSquared with PsBounty
How many subscribers do you have?: We have not had many uploads lately because of MCSGv2 and other things, but around 20 since we are new
Do you play anything other then MCSG? If so, where are you located on their leaderboards?: Yes, League of Legends is my second game I guess. And the leader boards there are not the same.
What timezone do you live in?: Central
Additional info: I love these games.


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
If you died in the first one in the bloodbath at corn, you still need to apply! There are 4 tiers that need to be passed to be 100% accepted! We will boost anyone who died like this up one tier ;).


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
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