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Thinking Thread | Rating the MCSG maps

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Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 6/10- I like the map but it gets monotonous charging through dark pine jungles for ages not knowing exactly where you're going. Severe lack of standout monuments/landmarks.
Survival Games 2- 8/10- Good map, nice buildings and overall layout. It could improve on some things but a really good map.
Survival Games 3-- 5/10- It's ok, but it has some flaws and disorientates you at times. There's a lack of iconic locations to travel to so I find there's a lot of slaughters at chest routes.
Survival Games 4- 9/10- Screw the haters, I love this map. I like its small, simple design and there's no abundance of locations or chests, so you can always go SOMEWHERE without being destroyed.
Survival Games 5- 5/10- I don't like the fact you can't enter a lot of the buildings. It lags for me, and it has a feel to it as if it lacks a lot of its true potential.
Breeze Island- 6/10- Ahh... Breeze Island. Probably the most hated map. Besides the noobs that fist you away from your chest route or the extreme amount of times it's played, it's not too bad.
Insanity Cause- 3/10- I don't like this map. It feels too cramped, it disorientates you right from the beginning, and becomes incredibly annoying when you're trying to get to safety and get caught in vines. But there's some ok structures.
Teweran SG 1- 10/10- What can I say, this map is amazing. Teweran's skills are astounding and this is sure my favourite map. No lack of places to go, amazing terraforming and building skills are combined to make the most enjoyable SG experience there is. Superb :)
Teweran SG 2- 8/10- Teweran obviously did it again, this time I don't think they nailed it as well as they did in TSG1, but still provides an amazing themed experience with excellent buildings.
Kharmunrah- 6/10- I like Kharmunrah, but I feel that it really misses out on a few major elements in SG. It's fun to run around and fight in, but when it comes to the overall feel it doesn't cut it.
Fortress Pyke- 7/10- Great buildings, great locations, it's a treat for the eyes to look at. There's great PvP hotspots and amazing buildings, but I found chests too sparse.
Survival Kingdom- 9/10- This map blows me away every time I play it. The sheer scale and detail put in to making this map is truly amazing, from the castle to the village. A lot of time had obviously been spent making this and it payed off as it is one of the most visually and aesthetically beautiful maps there are.
Ancient Japan- 6/10 Ancient Japan is alright, although it comes with its fair share of lag and issues. I feel what's been done could have been done a lot better. They're good buildings and all but it seems too linear.
Moonlight Lake- 3/10- This map is too small! No major landmarks or places that can be seen from the corn. I find the cornucopia unfair as all skill levels should get a chance at the middle chests. Its only good feature is the twisting lakes, which can only be seen from above. Too cramped!
Asia Games- 8/10- This map was made extremely well- there's plenty of amazing buildings, locations and secret rooms, traps and more. It hit the nail on the head visually with its structures but lacked in terraforming.
Solar Frost- 6/10- For sure its fun, but games go too quickly, and someone with good loot who knows the map off the back of their hand (this is sometimes me) can sweep through the map and kill every last player extremely easily. Fighting also seems to be centred around the cornucopia, as the maps focus, close quarter, enclosed combat, feels too awkward. It's nice to have some headspace.

MCSG Ruins- 2/10- I hated this map. No offence to the creator, but it seemed to have almost no structures, lagged INCREDIBLY, and the terrain seemed default. The only thing I liked was the cornucopia, and being able to catch people when they're off guard by climbing the water.
Hungry Hills- 5/10- Despite being way too big and having you climb most of the time trying to navigate the terrain, it wasn't that bad. Great terraforming, nice buildings... it wasn't that bad a map.
Skylands Survival- 3/10- This map felt like something you might play capture the flag on. Its drops of death annoyed me and visually I didn't like it. There was interesting combat but I never got any fun out of it.
Overgrown Arena- 3/10- Massive jungle. Claustrophobic. Lack of buildings. Big. This map hurt my head. It didn't feel nice to play at all, and was too centred on its sprawling jungle.
Yellowstone- 6/10- Despite the many people spamming chat with "dis map sux im leevin OMG" I was able to see the beauty of this map. I actually enjoyed it, and I found a lot of nice places to visit in the map as well as nice fighting locations (I especially enjoyed the fairground.) I liked it, and the cornucopia, and had some decent fun times. I didn't like the stone dome or the terraforming too much, but hey. No harm done.

That's my opinions on all the MCSG maps. Hope someone bothers to read this :)


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
There needs to be controversy on a thread like this. There simply must be. :p
I just personally don't enjoy playing SG1, so that's why my rating is low for it. It doesn't mean I think others shouldn't like it, I just don't personally think I should give it a higher rating if I don't enjoy it.
To be fair, on your side, ever since mobs were removed, SG1 has seemed, well, lonely. I can see why someone would hate a man vs nature map in which nature has even nerfed.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1 - 3 - Doesn't look epic; Long games and a lot of water.
Survival Games 2 - 9 - Looks VERY Epic; Awesome feeling to play on it.
Survival Games 3 - 6 - Spawn is very cool; Awsome terraforming; but too huge.
Survival Games 4 - 6 - Looks cool, but not awsome; nice to play on it; short games.
Survival Games 5 - 5 - Looks VERY awesome, but I don't like snow; Too laggy for me.
Breeze Island - 5 - Very nice build; I love these tropical island, BUT WAY TOO MUCH WATER; Bad terraforming.
Insanity Cause - 6 - Looks very cool; I hate Jungle, but that Map is really cool; Not enought chests.
Teweran SG 1 - 7 - Looks very epic; Bad PvP on ice; Very nice feeling to play on it.
Teweran SG 2 - 6 - Very Awesome themed; Very epic; but I don't like to play on it.
Kharmunrah - 4 - Very cool idea to make a desert SG Map; I HATE the Spawn; Too long games.
Fortress Pyke - 6 - Doesn't look awsome; I love to play on it.
Survival Kingdom - 8 - Looks VERY AWSOME; Very well themed; but very laggy for me. :(
Ancient Japan - 2 - Hate to play on it; Very laggy for me; Spawn is very bad.
Moonlight Lake - 1 - Just No. No. ; Badest Terraforming I have ever seen; Too small; Looks VERY bad and simple.
Asia Games - 5 - The dragon looks awesome; in some ares it doesn't look like Asia.
Solar Frost - 6 - Very cool idea; Awesome, cause no World Edit was used; Bad PvP on ice.

MCSG Ruins - 5 - Very cool; Bad Spwan; Not enought buildings.
Hungry Hills - 2 - Way to huge; Not enought buildings; not enought chests; Awesome Terraforming.
Skylands Survival - 6 - I can't believe it was removed; I loved it; Awsome idea.
Overgrown Arena - 3 - Looked Awesome; Awsome Terraforming; Too huge; I hate Jungle.
Yellowstone - 4 - Bad Terraforming; Too huge; Bad Spawn; But the Theme Park was AWESOME!

I want Skylands Survival back on the servers, please remove Moonlight Lake.


Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 7
Survival Games 2- 9
Survival Games 3- 5
Survival Games 4- 6
Survival Games 5- 7
Breeze Island- 3
Insanity Cause- 6
Teweran SG 1- 7
Teweran SG 2- 8
Kharmunrah- 5
Fortress Pyke- 2
Survival Kingdom- 3
Ancient Japan- 3
Moonlight Lake- 6
Asia Games- 5
Solar Frost- 9


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 7/10
Survival Games 2- 8/10
Survival Games 3- 6/10
Survival Games 4- 9.5/10
Survival Games 5- 6.5/10
Breeze Island- 1/10
Insanity Cause- 1/10
Teweran SG 1- 6/10
Teweran SG 2- 7/10
Kharmunrah- 5/10
Fortress Pyke- 2/10
Survival Kingdom- 8/10
Ancient Japan- 4/10
Moonlight Lake- 2/10
Asia Games- 1/10
Solar Frost- 10/10
MCSG Ruins- 1.5/10
Hungry Hills- 0/10 (if possible if not then 1/10
Skylands Survival- 2/10
Overgrown Arena- 3/10
Yellowstone- 5.5/10

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, I'm glad to have seen so much feedback, and SO MUCH WRITING! I'll leave this open for a couple days longer, then I'll lock it and calculate the averages. ;)


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
I can't go into much reasoning, so I'll give a kind of brief description of each map.

Survival Games Series:

Survival Games 1 - 8/10 - The original map, decent gameplay, not too many landmarks, but still good.
Survival Games 2 - 7/10 - Large decorative structures, decent gameplay.
Survival Games 3 - 2/10 - Big, large and boring. Barely and structures, horrible gameplay.
Survival Games 4. - 10/10 - Overplayed, but for a good reason. Nothing wrong with this map.
Survival Games 5 - 7/10 - Interesting concept, good structures, okay gameplay.

Community Maps:

Breeze Island - 4/10 - Horrible gameplay, interesting map.
Insanity Cause - 3/10 - Decorative but gameplay still lacks.
Teweran SG 1 - 4/10 - Beautiful, beautiful map. Games unfortunately are very long, boring, and outstretched.
Teweran SG 2 - 10/10 - The perfect example for an SG map. Best map in the series, and will be for a long time.
Kharmunrah - 9/10 - A big, beautiful map that still manages to keep matches short and action packed.
Fortress Pyke - 6/10 - A bland, but good map none-the-less.
Survival Kingdom - 6/10 - Beautiful map, good gameplay.
Ancient Japan - 2/10 - An action packed map done incorrectly. Lag is a major factor in this map.
Moonlight Lake - 1/10 - Boring, terraforming on outside hill is bad, and done very incorrectly.
Asia Games - 2/10 - Simple map with some structures seeming out of place. Matches may be difficult at times.
Solar Frost - 10/10 - An action filled, beautifully created map. A very close second for best map.


MCSG Ruins - 1/10 - Can barely remember this map, but I know it was wrong. Very wrong.
Hungry Hills - N/A - I can't score this map due to some reasons for the map being removed, I feel that Hungry Hills was amazing, but it just didn't fit with the players, it can be worked on and is being worked on. If it ever gets readded I'll have a score in the near future. For now, it's N/A.
Skylands Survival - 8/10 - I won't ever understand why this map was removed. Really, really cool map.
Overgrown Arena - 5/10 - Boring, map. But, did have it's moments.
Yellowstone - 1/10 - I wanted to like this map, just couldn't. It was... I'll just keep my mouth shut.

I know the descriptions are brief, but I don't have time ATM. XD

My opinion on the maps, if you read it, thanks. :p



Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
I can't go into much reasoning, so I'll give a kind of brief description of each map.

Survival Games Series:

Survival Games 1 - 8/10 - The original map, decent gameplay, not too many landmarks, but still good.
Survival Games 2 - 7/10 - Large decorative structures, decent gameplay.
Survival Games 3 - 2/10 - Big, large and boring. Barely and structures, horrible gameplay.
Survival Games 4. - 10/10 - Overplayed, but for a good reason. Nothing wrong with this map.
Survival Games 5 - 7/10 - Interesting concept, good structures, okay gameplay.

Community Maps:

Breeze Island - 4/10 - Horrible gameplay, interesting map.
Insanity Cause - 3/10 - Decorative but gameplay still lacks.
Teweran SG 1 - 4/10 - Beautiful, beautiful map. Games unfortunately are very long, boring, and outstretched.
Teweran SG 2 - 10/10 - The perfect example for an SG map. Best map in the series, and will be for a long time.
Kharmunrah - 9/10 - A big, beautiful map that still manages to keep matches short and action packed.
Fortress Pyke - 6/10 - A bland, but good map none-the-less.
Survival Kingdom - 6/10 - Beautiful map, good gameplay.
Ancient Japan - 2/10 - An action packed map done incorrectly. Lag is a major factor in this map.
Moonlight Lake - 1/10 - Boring, terraforming on outside hill is bad, and done very incorrectly.
Asia Games - 2/10 - Simple map with some structures seeming out of place. Matches may be difficult at times.
Solar Frost - 10/10 - An action filled, beautifully created map. A very close second for best map.


MCSG Ruins - 1/10 - Can barely remember this map, but I know it was wrong. Very wrong.
Hungry Hills - N/A - I can't score this map due to some reasons for the map being removed, I feel that Hungry Hills was amazing, but it just didn't fit with the players, it can be worked on and is being worked on. If it ever gets readded I'll have a score in the near future. For now, it's N/A.
Skylands Survival - 8/10 - I won't ever understand why this map was removed. Really, really cool map.
Overgrown Arena - 5/10 - Boring, map. But, did have it's moments.
Yellowstone - 1/10 - I wanted to like this map, just couldn't. It was... I'll just keep my mouth shut.

I know the descriptions are brief, but I don't have time ATM. XD

My opinion on the maps, if you read it, thanks. :p

Dem colours. Simply... beautiful.
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