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Events Deception Games 3 (Community Event)

Deception Games 4 in which region?

  • EU

    Votes: 88 41.7%
  • AU

    Votes: 46 21.8%
  • US

    Votes: 77 36.5%

  • Total voters
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Minecraft IGN: hyperainbow
Number (1-9): 7
Reason for applying: I always wanted to be a part of these events but never got to do it so I guessed why not?
Why will you win: I always wait and see what I can do to kill a player before I do and I can pull off some good combos so who knows!
Do you agree to our rules:Yes.
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): No.
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes, I will try and have one ready for the event.


Jan 6, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Zhyche/GetCrafty7
Number (1-9): 5
Reason for applying: I want to show up to play
Why will you win: I will win by playing smart and being able to use my skill and cockiness c;
Do you agree to our rules: YAS
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): no ;c but I was in a red forest test game
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: yea


District 13
Jun 4, 2012
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Minecraft IGN: Gamer101luke
Number (1-9): 4
Reason for applying: I was in DG2, but I kinda didn't do too well..
Why will you win: "I wouldnt I win?" is the real question.
Do you agree to our rules: Yeah
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): I was in deception games 2, but I encountered an early exit due to my lack of teaming skills.
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Absolutely.


Jan 27, 2014
Reaction score

Hey Guys!

I am extremely happy to present you with! Deception Games 3 (Triple the deception?)

For the third Deception Games there will be 3 twists! (some revealed in the upcoming weeks to the event, some revealed during the event)




For Deception Games 3 we have made a promotional skin! Hinting at the possible theme of the map, download it to show your support for the deception games and if you are in the event you can wear it! (For luck)- http://tinyurl.com/mesgbde

The application stage will last one month! (March 1st)

Video of first Deception Games-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy28_hoZntY

Video of the second Deception Games-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJuf2di-QSU

Note- The aim of the game is to use betrayal and strategy to your advantage, we have made it clear that betrayal and large teams are completely ok in the event so please no guilt tripping or offensive insults to people who use these strategies! No Guilt should be carried on from this game into normal games!

Application Stage!

This time we are going to decide the tributes through a roulette! in your application post a number between 1-9 (no decimals) in early march we will do the roulette event on stream so you can see if you get in or not, we will use a random number generator to pick numbers; one of three things can happen:
-if your number is picked and you are the only person with that number, you are in.
-if your number is picked and multiple people chose the number, you are out
-if your number is picked and multiple people chose the number but if disqualified the total number of tributes would go below 24 (say 30 people remain and 10 people picked the number) then the round continues as if nothing happened.


Minecraft IGN:
Number (1-9):
Reason for applying:
Why will you win:
Do you agree to our rules:
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify):
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up:



























The map will be completely secret until the event so noone has a map advantage.

The Deception Games isn't just another tournament event though, it will be much more, the key to winning the Deception Games lies in Treachery and Betrayal, only one can win but picking your allies wisely may lead you to victory. The Grand Prize for the Deception Games will start at a total prize pool of $50, although this may not be the final prize of the event, we will open the Deception Games to Backers which will be explained later and can increase the total prize pool of the event.

In the Deception Games you will be rewarded for betrayal, for a 20% reduction of the prize pool in the event you win, you can sell out a team mate to the overseers which will result in them being heavily disadvantaged (what will happen to them will not be disclosed) to be eligible to sell someone out, you must have been previously observed by an overseer working in a team till you at least fight one other player together, if it is unclear you are teamed, they will not be eligible to be sold out by you. Also you cannot use this betrayal if you are the last 2 players alive. (Note- a 20% reduction may seem like a large amount, but if it secures your victory by using it at the right point in the game, it will be worth it)

Before the Deception Games begin, all tributes will be gathered and given time to work out alliances, each tribute will be given 10 unique blocks (for instance one user may have red wool, this will indicate it is their block and all the other tributes will have a different block type) these blocks are each worth 10% of the total prize if you win, you can trade these blocks with another player to buy their allegiance. For example. Say tribute 1 gives tribute 3 a total of 4 blocks to buy their allegiance, in the event that tribute 1 wins, each of his assigned blocks will be worth 10% of the prize pool, so tribute 1 would get 60% of the prize pool and tribute 3 would get 40% of the prize pool. These block trades can be used to solidify an alliance as for instance if a team traded 5 blocks each to each other, it would lessen the reasoning to betray as even if you are betrayed you still get 50% of the total prize pool. All trades will be enacted in a private room from the other tributes with an Overseer to validate the trade. Choose your alliances wisely. Honesty cannot be bought. Betrayal can.

Here is a breakdown of the elements of the Deception Games:


The Map will remain secret until the event!


We will choose a group of "overseers" to watch over the games, the overseers can have no physical input into the game and are purely there to make sure players do not breach any of the rules and to solve any disputes players have (for instance if someone thought someone was hacking an overseer will have watched it)

Fighting by Proxy:

If for some reason a tribute cannot attend the Deception Games, they may choose another player to be their proxy player, this player will become the tribute in their stead, but the prize will go towards the original tribute (it is up to the original tribute to give the proxy a part of the prize upon their discretion). It is completely within the rules to use the Proxy system to make it more likely to become a tribute, for instance you could get two friends to also apply to the Deception Games who don't want to play and in the event you do not become a tribute but they manage to get voted high enough, you could play as their proxy player.


1/ No Hacking Clients

2/Attempts to Ddoss other players will not be tolerated

3/No Bullying of other players in the games

4/Do not attempt to Rig the results of the Voting for tributes

5/Do not block glitch

6/Do not escape the map in any way

7/Do not exploit any glitches found

8/Follow Overseers instructions at all times


If you wish to help support the event you can add a donation to the prize pool, for instance we have started the prize pool at $50, if 5 people donated $10 then the prize pool would rise to a total of $100, so there is more to play for, making the game more interesting. What do you get for being a backer? After the event we will leave the map open for the backers to fully explore for an hour, so you will get the first chance to find all the best chests and develop the best chest route. Also if you intend to apply for the second Deception Games, being a backer of the first Deception Games will mean your votes in the voting stage will be tripled, making the chances to be in the second Deception Games, incredibly higher. If you want to become a backer send Ninetailefox92 a pm on the forums and we can sort it out.

Any Questions? Feel free to send me a PM and I will answer as soon as possible

Minecraft IGN: sethalinko
Number (1-9): 7
Reason for applying: I would really like to take part in a community event and show the MCSG community us aussies are fabulous.
Why will you win: I have a good understanding of pvp, I am good at manipulating people and I will have a large group of friends.
Do you agree to our rules: Yes, most defiantly.
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): No.
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yus
Last edited:


Jul 26, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: patrickfalcon07
Number (1-9): 7
Reason for applying: I loved the last deception games and is a very fun event that I would like to experience again.
Why will you win: I usually run from most participants I see, making me last longer in hopes of winning.
Do you agree to our rules: Yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): Yes, I was in the previous deception games
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes


Dec 23, 2014
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN: xSwagBear
Number (1-9): 7
Reason for applying: This is fun and all my friends want me too apply c:
Why will you win: Because I'm a swaggy bear, and no-one can beat me.. c: I'm just too good, basically.
Do you agree to our rules: Indeed, I do.
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): Nope, I want to be in this one though :p
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Uhm, sure.


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: zenoCrafter
Number (1-9): 1 like my darling ChrisComedies
Reason for applying: Deception Games 1 was an amazingly fun time, and I want to experience it again now that I've taken a little break.
Why will you win: I've already shown I have the PvP talent, the diplomatic ability, and the keen intelligence necessary to form a team, develop routes, and fight to be one of the last survivors (even if it means betraying my teammate Azorces >: D). I'm ruthless if you're against me, loyal if you're with me sometimes, and I always win.
Do you agree to our rules: Yes, I do.
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): Yes, I was in the first Deception Games.
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes, I will.


May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Nanos14/SuperKyleFTW I'm going to use Nanos14
Number (1-9): 3
Reason for applying:I want to be in a event because I haven't been In one and it looks fun.
Why will you win:I might win because I might just clean up.lol.
Do you agree to our rules:Yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): No,the reason why though is because I'm always late to apply or I am just lazy to apply but today I'm not.
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up:Yes sir.


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: obitofan123 / Quadrum_
Number (1-9): 6
Reason for applying: I haven't played in any of the games so far, and I'd really like to be a part of it. It looks really fun and I think I'd have a fair chance of winning
Why will you win: I got very good strategy and quite good pvp, which will help me. I am also a very good team player
Do you agree to our rules: Yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): No, I have not
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: I might, it depends.


Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: davidkatimim4
Number (1-9): 6
Reason for applying: I've always wanted to try that type of game.
Why will you win: coz I think I am really decent player and I just wanna have fun
Do you agree to our rules: Yeah I do
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): I haven't been
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes
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