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GoldEllipse and Slavtherussian quitting

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Dec 28, 2013
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People don't like Gold for causing drama and being really immature.
He stated in his video that he was faking his personality for a while, thus hinting he did Youtube for money.
He should of went out clean and just straight up quit.
As for Slav, i have watched a few videos of his, and he looked like a really cool guy c:
Being in trivium with Slav, was a challenge. He was really cocky. And no one really liked him. Zlim95


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
this is the most pointless thread alive.

Being in trivium with Slav, was a challenge. He was really cocky. And no one really liked him. Zlim95
and agreed. also goldellipes was in Rivalsv1 and he was a Feminine Hygene Product :/


Nov 2, 2014
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First off, can you please stop starting flame? First you lied about Slav, now you're making some bogus accusation about me boosting. Can you not start flame and make up lies without proof? We'd all appreciate it.
I didn't lie or make up anything, but I'll just dip now don't wanna continue this either.


May 10, 2013
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1). This world would be boring as hell without drama. Plus, for a twenty year old gamer, I'm either happy-go-lucky, taking after the Youtuber Antastiq, or a raging, sadistic monster obsessed with overusing profanity and the word "rape" (usually just when I've had an extremely bad day and playing SG as a release from that bad day has gone horribly wrong and I'm trapped in an endless cycle of PVP suckage. (I know "suckage" isn't a word but it is now and Oxford can suck it galdernit!).

2). I once heard someone play Gold's leaving message in the MCSG TS and parody it. While most of us were laughing uproariously at how accurate his voice impression was, I did see the guy's point, and agree with yours, that Gold does seem to want to leave, get random people to cause a ruckus of "OMG GoldEllipse left! Huehuehue Imma go cut myself in sadness and shame even though this doesn't affect me!", and then have other people who didn't know him ask "Who is this GoldEllipse guy?", go to his channel out of curiosity, and BOOM! That, I have to agree with whoever that TS troll was, is a pretty cheap way to gain subscribers. At least my subscribers know I'm either busy or lazy in regards to my uneven upload schedule. (Shameless self-promotion lul)

3). Doesn't mean he has to quit Youtube entirely. Dear God, the man made anywhere up to a hundred (or two) videos for selfish reasons? If someone plays a game they really enjoy, they can upload it. If they're uploading it for some selfish reason like wanting popularity or wanting to show off their prowess at the game, then let them. Don't shoot them down completely as "oh well you might as well just quit." That's a form of belittlement and I, sir, piss on that!
This post^^^


Nov 2, 2014
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I got a couple of thing to say. First of all the boat tactic was not show by you to me. I don't even know you. Which is interesting since you accuse me of being someone I'm not. When it came to raging and being a Inappropriate body part on a male, yes I'll admit it, sometimes the game became more than game for me. I am very competitive as a person and I hate losing. So yes sometimes I got a little out of hand but that was me 6-9 months ago. After that I quit clans and focused on having fun. I streamed almost everyday and a lot of people enjoyed that, even though I sometimes still got frustrated with the game. One more thing I will say about the boat tactic. I never submitted it to Top 5. I was never looking for "fame". How the boat came about is I was recording a full episode of an SG with GOLDninja_14 and a random person I just met. I ended up killing someone with a boat. After I went to review the recording and render it, my voice audio was never picked up. So I was going to delete the entire video and record another episode but GOLD suggested I throw it up on my YouTube channel. I did but never submitted it to top 5. To this day I have no idea who submitted it since I was not looking for "fame". So I'm glad I have never got to know you because you sound like an immature hysterical child that doesn't get his way.
Gold (GoldNinja) actually submitted it.

Gold did youtube for money, was a major drama queen, and cried over every little thing. He also pushed his luck with friends making them dislike him and ditched a lot of people for youtubers.
Slav was a Inappropriate body part on a male. He raged easily, pissed everyone off, and left a clan just because he lost a fight. He treats everyone poorly besides his friends and got famous from a tactic he stole without giving credit. Know how I know this? Because I showed him that sh*tty ass boat kill tactic! Btw it was made by afrecqnzwelo
I used to be friends with both of these people trust me I know Wtf I'm talking about.
Slav wasn't a jerk. I was in vortex (trial) with him, and he raged really hard, but he was a cool dude, and almost never fell under pressure. He was one of the best in our scrims that I was in, and was overall a cool dude. Although I thought he hated me, he didn't, and I have gained some respect for the guy. He honestly deserves more than to be Good on by you.
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