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Hackers on MCSG

Is the Australian Community being destroyed by Hackers?

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Dec 31, 2012
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Ok, so I thought I may as well put in my input

6/7 games with hackers? That's either bad luck or a bit of an exaggeration. I play around 15-20 games a day and see a hacker maybe once every 3 days (Not including the ones that get reported to me). This could just be because I'm a mod and they hide their hacks, or I could be extremely lucky but it still seems odd how large the difference is. And if you see someone hacking, record them or get a moderator to. And with people complaining, sometimes people are just bad sports and complain if someone kills them.

We play plenty of games, from the top of my head just 2 AU staff together have played around 10k games, with the rest added in that's a lot of games played. We like to sit in the hub because it needs to be moderated a lot more than the individual servers, that is because a lot more rules are broken there than in a single server. I do personally agree with you about the AU community, people are becoming more aggressive and rude towards one another but it gets moderated, like I said before most of the chat offenses occur in the hub. And if you increase the No-Cheat Plus it won't necessarily be better. Sure some hacks may be prevented, but some will still bypass it. And when No-Cheat is increased it becomes a lot worse for the playing experience. Constant lagging back, not being able to hit people and other problems.

We do care about the community, that's why we work to fix it where it has it's faults. Money is not the first priority at MCGamer, the players experience will always come first. Think about it in a business sense, if a businesses customers are unhappy they go elsewhere, no matter what profit they make. We don't want to lose our players, they are what forms this community and without them the servers wouldn't exist either. I might also add, the staff members aren't useless, we work towards helping you, not ourselves. We have donated our time and effort to make this a better place for the players, we don't get paid, we all became mods to help.

The staff team work to improving the servers, but we prioritise what is demanded the most. We want to do whats best for the community and help them out in any way we can. Sure it may look like nothing is being done, but it is. You don't see everything that happens, whether is be kicking a player in the hub, or muting them.

The BSM auto detect system can't be replicated to work for hacked clients ;-;. BSM sends a message to the server which we can use to tell whenever someone has it installed so we can deal with it easily.
Just in reference to your last argument here, I think he was talking about a custom mcsg client alongside with a plugin, that auto bans you if you do not have this client


May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Maybe they shouldn't hack.
It's one thing to say someone should not hack, it's another thing to actually get people to stop hacking. Every community, not only gaming, have their problems. And they all have people who will do the wrong thing. It's what makes humanity so versatile and interesting. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world where only good happens. Of course bad is also undesirable, but when in balance with good makes everything so much more interesting. I do believe something should be done to deal with hackers more effectively, but I also understand that a solution will take a large amount of time to find. So I will just suck it in and keep on going, and I think that should be everyone's attitude.

Dave | Rev

May 2, 2013
Reaction score
It's one thing to say someone should not hack, it's another thing to actually get people to stop hacking. Every community, not only gaming, have their problems. And they all have people who will do the wrong thing. It's what makes humanity so versatile and interesting. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world where only good happens. Of course bad is also undesirable, but when in balance with good makes everything so much more interesting. I do believe something should be done to deal with hackers more effectively, but I also understand that a solution will take a large amount of time to find. So I will just suck it in and keep on going, and I think that should be everyone's attitude.
I understand your points, but the person who i quoted told him to leave, which isn't what you're saying. I'm with you.


Aug 6, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with you about the extent and the inconvenience of the hackers whole-heartedly. However, as for dealing with the situation, I think you only have 3 or so options:

- Enrol into uni and start a computer science/programming course
- Spend a good portion of your entire life mastering Java, and building up years of experience with Bukkit, Java and development in general
- Email Chad about a dev position (you'll certainly be 18+ by now)
- Get accepted, maybe
- Spend months/years writing a plugin that magically satisfies all these criteria: captures any hacker, has no detrimental side effects to normal players, easy to implement, bug-free, versatile, doesn't affect gameplay, etc.
- Deal with a new onslaught of hackers as technology evolves and new potential for hacked clients comes about
- Repeat the last few steps indefinitely

- Enrol into uni and start a theoretical physics course
- Spend a good portion of your life studying quantum physics, astronomy, etc.
- Make a breakthrough and find conclusive, empirical evidence for alternate universes
- Magically travel to an alternate universe in which the concept of hacking or bypassing rules in gaming/entertainment environments is unheard of, but is otherwise identical to this one
- Enjoy your hacker-free life!

- Accept that hackers are a force that will always be present in every community
- Accept that hackers will never be completely eradicated
- Accept that by playing on any gaming server, it's implied that you consent to playing in the same environment as hackers
- Accept that the community and the staff are doing their best at dealing with hackers
- Continue with your life as normal

If you come up with more options, please let me know.
Hello Mr. Intellectual Cookie

I had already listed two options in my rant, one of which is actually quite possible. The work I have seen from the development team is amazing, and in comparison to my idea where you have to use a certain client to login to the server and then a plugin on the server detects where or not you are using that client. Yes.. Some people are derps and may have trouble installing it, which is why you may be able to log into the hub, but not into games. Therefore giving noobs time to ask for help on how to play a game.


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Ok, so I thought I may as well put in my input

6/7 games with hackers? That's either bad luck or a bit of an exaggeration. I play around 15-20 games a day and see a hacker maybe once every 3 days (Not including the ones that get reported to me). This could just be because I'm a mod and they hide their hacks, or I could be extremely lucky but it still seems odd how large the difference is. And if you see someone hacking, record them or get a moderator to. And with people complaining, sometimes people are just bad sports and complain if someone kills them.

We play plenty of games, from the top of my head just 2 AU staff together have played around 10k games, with the rest added in that's a lot of games played. We like to sit in the hub because it needs to be moderated a lot more than the individual servers, that is because a lot more rules are broken there than in a single server. I do personally agree with you about the AU community, people are becoming more aggressive and rude towards one another but it gets moderated, like I said before most of the chat offenses occur in the hub. And if you increase the No-Cheat Plus it won't necessarily be better. Sure some hacks may be prevented, but some will still bypass it. And when No-Cheat is increased it becomes a lot worse for the playing experience. Constant lagging back, not being able to hit people and other problems.

We do care about the community, that's why we work to fix it where it has it's faults. Money is not the first priority at MCGamer, the players experience will always come first. Think about it in a business sense, if a businesses customers are unhappy they go elsewhere, no matter what profit they make. We don't want to lose our players, they are what forms this community and without them the servers wouldn't exist either. I might also add, the staff members aren't useless, we work towards helping you, not ourselves. We have donated our time and effort to make this a better place for the players, we don't get paid, we all became mods to help.

The staff team work to improving the servers, but we prioritise what is demanded the most. We want to do whats best for the community and help them out in any way we can. Sure it may look like nothing is being done, but it is. You don't see everything that happens, whether is be kicking a player in the hub, or muting them.

The BSM auto detect system can't be replicated to work for hacked clients ;-;. BSM sends a message to the server which we can use to tell whenever someone has it installed so we can deal with it easily.
It's ok I doubt he meant most of this. Sometimes I have a bad day for hackers and just rant to myself or friends about it. Occasionally the hackers that bug me get to my head. You guys do great, don't even worry about it. :)


Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
Is the community being destroyed by hacker complaint threads?

Yes [####]

No [ ]


Aug 6, 2013
Reaction score
It's ok I doubt he meant most of this. Sometimes I have a bad day for hackers and just rant to myself or friends about it. Occasionally the hackers that bug me get to my head. You guys do great, don't even worry about it. :)
No I meant every word of this.


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
I honestly agree with all of this. The developers are spending most of their time trying to advance through mcsg without realizing if the players enjoy it. I do understand that the developers have a life outside of mcsg. ( Just saying this as I know theres someone out there going to reply with that. ) Hackers, obviously they are everywhere and new clients are being developed as we speak, this is why we must reinforce the plugin. Although I do realize that the developers are working hard to improve other things, but hackers should be the main priority. At some point, everyone has experienced a hacker and you know the pain of running, then fighting, then running, then fighting, then dying. It's just a pain. In a hackers perspective, all they do is run around with thousands of alts putting on their hacks and getting everyone enraged. They obviously have no consideration over others. In the regular player's perspective, they are not happy at all now realizing who they're up against. Its just not right. I personally agree with this thread, but many are just too quick to dismiss this as another person complaining. The truth is, he is complaining, we all are. I do not imply the fact that the developers are lazy. They do listen to people to some extent. This needs to be put to a stop at once. Please try to advance your no-cheat system along with the Anti-Hack plugin. If you are going to reply to this, please take some consideration to not just do this to correct something I said wrong. Regards.


Aug 25, 2013
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MCSG is finally getting to the point where it is now unplayable. This morning I woke up and played 7 games, 6 0f which had hackers in them. Every game im in now there are people commenting on how excessive hackers are throughout MCSG and how unplayable the servers are becoming, now I know theres not to much you can do to fix this. But how about taking a look at it, why don't staff members sit down and play a few games of MCSG and just take a look at how bad the Australian community has become. I honestly think that having 12 servers with a stronger no-cheat plugin would be so much better then 24 servers in which there is about 1 server running at a time with no hackers in it. MCSG has become so much more then a battle between players it has become a battle of who can play a game without hackers. I have actually seen a few servers that have custom clients that players have to use to play the server and every time they login it checks for modified files inside of the version, now I know this would not to excessively hard to do because of the fact that MCSG has amazing developers, how about mcsg slows down on updating the servers for a bit and focus on the real problem on hand, and that problem is destroying the community of MCSG quickly. I know your probably going to comment something like "Oh but plugins like that would cost us a lot of extra money to run alongside our large amount of servers" The AU community would much rather a cheat free experience with half the servers and im dead sure of that.

Now you can all sit back and not give a crap about how bad this community has become and just keep the money rolling in from your constant donations.. Because hey, lets face it.. People are still going to donate to your servers regardless of how many people hack on it or not. Whats more important though? A cheat free and happy community, or your high sum of money. Actually don't answer that last question, its kind of obvious. You would be surprised how much better the community would become with just a little anti-cheat, sadly the staff members are kind of useless, I have a recording that clearly shows that although im kind enough to not start another useless debate that will start another mini warfare between the senior staff and I.

So in advance I would like to apologise for my poor sentence structure but I kind of wrote this in 15 minutes due to the fact I have a bit more to do today then rant on about the poor Australian community. So come on, do something about this. MCSG is becoming poorer and poorer when it comes to fixing things that actually count. Even if you just half the hackers, there is so much you could do to get rid of a large variety of cheaters on your servers. If you want I could help you with ideas, I may not be the best when it comes to thinking of realistic ideas. But even so the two I listed above are quite possible and would leave us so much better off. Now please don't sit there and shrug off everything I have said by picking out one thing I said wrong and therefore changing the whole topic, because as I just stated.. I wrote this quickly. But I mean every word of it.

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