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If MCGamer could host anywhere...

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Apr 6, 2015
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Again try our Canada network. ca.mcgamer.net
Yes there are CA servers that are hosted closer to the east coast. However, majority of the US Clans are required to play on the US servers(for clan leaderbaords). As you probably know, clans are becoming a huge asset to MCSG, and maybe moving the US server to a more central US location will help with everybody's connection.


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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We don't make any clan rules as that is a community ran section but we will note that suggestion.


Apr 6, 2015
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We don't make any clan rules as that is a community ran section but we will note that suggestion.
Thank you. Also, I have no problem with US connections and I am east coast. Connection isn't the only thing that makes players good ;) In my opinion, the best server change would be to make an Asian server. Many people from Asia experience incredible amounts of lag, which limits their gaming experience.


Aug 20, 2012
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We had an Asia network before yet was never used. Not sure if there is more of a demand since a year ago but we need to see it based on our members feedback. Hosting a new location is expensive and we need to be sure our members would support it if we do.
There was a movement last summer, but it was unsuccessful. Our asian population has dropped since that was shut down, because asian players have no close region. I'm not sure what would happen if we opened it back up. As for me, I never played on the AS servers because I got over 300ms to them when they were a thing, but I'm sure it would please some people and encourage a lot of asian players to come back. We'd gain ourselves a whole new player base and region.

Problems with an Asian region being reimplemented?
- Lack of support. We don't know how many people would play it, and judging by previous experience, the future doesn't look too bright.

- Moderation issues. As far as I can remember, we've only had a select few staff members of any type of Asian descent, Aeruner being one if I'm correct, along with FireRedcoats, and a few others who I can't remember off the top of my head. Due to the fact that there are a lot of different dialogues and different cultures there, it would be hard to regulate, and would easily get way out of hand.

I would add a South American region. Our South American/Hispanic population is growing wildly and if we don't do something about it, we'll lose them all just like we did the Asians. For moderation, we have enough Spanish-speaking mods to start, and could easily hire more. Plus, a lot of Americans including myself are taking Spanish in school, so even though we may not be fluent we could at least be of a little assistance. Underpopulation shouldn't be too much of a problem. If I could put a server location anywhere in the world, that's where I would do it. Preferably somewhere up in the Northwest region of South America, to balance out connection zones.

Maybe germany?
A lot of Germans play minecraft.
Judging by the size of Western Europe and the location of the EU host, Germans should get comparable ping to mine to US (70-75) which is plenty for good connection depending on the strength of their internet. Most of Western and some of Eastern Europe should have no location based connection issues to our network.

Yes there are CA servers that are hosted closer to the east coast. However, majority of the US Clans are required to play on the US servers(for clan leaderbaords). As you probably know, clans are becoming a huge asset to MCSG, and maybe moving the US server to a more central US location will help with everybody's connection.
As an active member of the clan scene myself, it has never been a specific requirement to battle on US (even for leaderboards) it's just done because US is the bigger network, and is simply used more. In my opinon, CA should be used more for clan battles especially in the case that most members are on the East Coast. Main problems to that are west coast players get worse connection to CA than East Coast players do to US. Either way, there shouldn't be any location based connection issues between the two. If you live in the US or Canada and have bad connection, these issues are almost 100% likely to be internet-sided, not an issue with the location of the host.
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Mar 15, 2015
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probably new york so i could ping abuse af


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
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There are a lot of people that have been asking about South American servers. I know it has come up in moderator meetings as well in the Staff Q&A. Now, I'm not sure how many players actually play in that region, but if it's coming up in mod meetings then it must be somewhat wanted.

A part of the community also wants to see the AS servers return. I know it was originally closed because of the lack of players, but there may be more Asian players that have came to the servers because of how much it has grown since we last had the AS servers. If a surge in the amount of players in Asia did, in fact, occur, I think it would be a very viable option to consider.

In the end, it would be smart to go with what is economically best for the servers by putting it in an area that has a lot of demand. The main two places that I've seen asked for are AS and SA servers. If the SA and AS servers were created, almost all of the continents would have a close-to-home server to play on and would give a nice connection advantage to residents of said continent. The only 2 continents not covered are Antarctica and Africa, which to be honest, probably don't have many people that own a computer decent enough to play Minecraft or an internet connection capable of connecting to servers, for that matter.


Aug 8, 2014
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Japan specifically
I know what you're talking about *wink*

In my honest opinion, the servers should not change locations, however the addition of such would be nice. I feel that additions of servers to the US regions makes the system feel more isolated from the community as a whole.
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District 13
Mar 30, 2014
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Also, my back yard has some room for hosting servers if you want to use that. ChadTheDJ


Apr 10, 2014
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We want to host in Melbourne originally. Possibly in the future if AU is more supported, we would just convert out of SAU to make our own network. Something I wish we can do but we would need a lot of help from the community to help pay for that upgrade.
Please keep the AU servers in Sydney, the MCG players who live in the northern part of Australia will get even worst ping (me). If anything I believe the servers should be moved more westerly, to even out every bodies ping. But I honestly think the servers are fine where they are. :D


Mar 8, 2015
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Personally I would say like Hong Kong because a lot of gamers/people live in Hong Kong and Asia, and since Hong Kong is like in between China and Indonesia so there would be good ping for a lot of Asians.


Jan 22, 2015
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Host an another Australian network in Sydney, New Zealand peeps could use it! Also i will get better connection ;)


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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I expected about half of the responses to be, "as close to me as possible". Was not disappointed.
No suggestions for Turkey, though? I'm surprised.

Based on the requests that I see being made, the new location is a toss-up between South America and Asia. Both are serving large populations, both are equally vocal with their repeated requests, both will require a proportion of our staff to know a new language. And, of course, both will be an expensive investment to make.

The biggest confounding matter here is the lack of information available for those regions. We have a general idea of AS's numbers from the past, but they might not be representative or current with today's demand (which is the best argument I hear from the Pro-AS arguments). South America we know next to nothing about other than the assurance that there are a ton of people who want it (history lesson: the same argument was made the first time AS was around).

For the players' perspective, making a new region isn't an easy decision to make. A lot of time, effort, and resources go into a new region, which is why we don't make such decisions on a whim or because people tell us they really really really want it. We don't want a repeat of AS's closure.

Also, my back yard has some room for hosting servers if you want to use that. ChadTheDJ
I hope your back yard has a 10 Gb/s connection, DDoS protection, and enough electricity to handle the power draw of 20 servers.
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