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Microsoft buys Minecraft for 2.5 billion dollars ;-;

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District 13
May 28, 2012
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I personally don't think Microsoft buying Minecraft will matter much.

What will is the top 3 developers and owners of the game leaving. Without their input, the remaining members of the squad may have issues with coming to with new things to the game but I don't think it'll change too much, or if it does we'll get used to it quickly and not hate it as much as we think. C:
This may seem like an odd guess as to what I think will happen, but I'll say it anyways. I'd agree with you said, Ceroria, if what you said was "I don't think Microsoft buying Minecraft will change the game much." The top devs leaving is a big hit, and will probably slow things down at their office considerably until the new leadership gets comfortable. But overall I'm guessing that Minecraft updates won't be released in as much of a rapid pace anymore. Overall, I definitely agree with your developer comment.

Okay, I'll admit.. I'm still bitter about how in 2005 when I used to play Neopets and it was sold to a big time company (Viacom), and they swiftly killed it with a lack of updates. I WANT MY OLD NEOPETS BACK VIACOM. It might be a really weird comparison though, but it's a solid one. Huge game bought for $160m (at the time that was a massive amount for a game/gaming brand), and all of us 8, 9, and 10 year old's of the mid-2000's watched in horror as micro payment features because the main focus of the new ownership, as opposed to actual gameplay. I checked back on the game two years ago because I did a research paper on it during that college semester for one of my business courses, and was pretty shocked to see that in the 7 years (at the time) since the 160m dollar acquisition, the game hadn't changed at all. That is absolutely awful, because it was a big example of how these large companies buy out smaller and hugely dedicated companies and their products with usually the sole intent to milk it. Milk it while doing the bare minimal to keep it afloat just long enough to make a profit, and bail out. Man, the Neopets feels.

Microsoft, that's my last complaint/hypothesis post. Just hoping you guys prove me wrong. I know you're reading, since you're doing your research as to what game types and sort of gameplay the community enjoys playing, right? Right!?

If you guys need me, I'll be on Neopets.
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Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
IDK.... Mojang is in over their heads now, its almost as though they are drowning in themselves.


Aug 20, 2012
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This may seem like an odd guess as to what I think will happen, but I'll say it anyways. I'd agree with you said, Ceroria, if what you said was "I don't think Microsoft buying Minecraft will change the game much." The top devs leaving is a big hit, and will probably slow things down at their office considerably until the new leadership gets comfortable. But overall I'm guessing that Minecraft updates won't be released in as much of a rapid pace anymore. Overall, I definitely agree with your developer comment.

Okay, I'll admit.. I'm still bitter about how in 2005 when I used to play Neopets and it was sold to a big time company (Viacom), and they swiftly killed it with a lack of updates. I WANT MY OLD NEOPETS BACK VIACOM. It might be a really weird comparison though, but it's a solid one. Huge game bought for $160m (at the time that was a massive amount for a game/gaming brand), and all of us 8, 9, and 10 year old's of the mid-2000's watched in horror as micro payment features because the main focus of the new ownership, as opposed to actual gameplay. I checked back on the game two years ago because I did a research paper on it during that college semester for one of my business courses, and was pretty shocked to see that in the 7 years (at the time) since the 160m dollar acquisition, the game hadn't changed at all. That is absolutely awful, because it was a big example of how these large companies buy out smaller and hugely dedicated companies and their products with usually the sole intent to milk it. Milk it while doing the bare minimal to keep it afloat just long enough to make a profit, and bail out. Man, the Neopets feels.

Microsoft, that's my last complaint/hypothesis post. Just hoping you guys prove me wrong. I know you're reading, since you're doing your research as to what game types and sort of gameplay the community enjoys playing, right? Right!?

If you guys need me, I'll be on Neopets.
I feel you. I was a Toontown player myself, and once Club Penguin opened, Toontown wasn't updated at all and the game stayed the exact same way it was for seven years until they finally closed the game becuase of the lack of people playing it (I wonder why.. ;-; )

Luckily, Toontown Rewritten is coming out Friday and I can re-live my childhood! To be honest, I can see Microsoft working with the developers of Minecraft to keep the game at least similar, and I can see the game going on the exact same update track, but maybe with a couple of new Microsoft integrated things. Hopefully it won't change too much.


Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Microsoft is a very smart company, it's not like they have no brains and are going to ruin it. I personally think that minecraft will become better to be honest.


Nov 21, 2013
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Personally i think people don't realize how smart microsoft is. This was a genius move n their part to but MC. They are not going to risk losing so many players by making it xbox or windows exclusive and they won't make you pay to go to the nether or change your skin. Also if you read the post you know that they have been working with microsoft since 2012. I think mine craft will be fine if not better under their new owners.
Dec 27, 2013
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Just sayin, pretty sure mojang and Microsoft had an agreement saying not to change anything having to do with changing the game drastically


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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saving space
I largely agree with your post, however I am curious:
Do you blame the top guys at microsoft for doing what they do? The primary goal of a business is to generate as much money as possible. As such, they're doing what's to be expected. Let's say you were in their shoes...maybe you wouldn't be as money hungry, but I'm sure money would have a large influence in your decisions.

Just curious, not saying anything you said is wrong, as I agree with a lot of it. :p


Jun 27, 2012
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Or we could just wait and see how it turns out. Microsoft has it's pro's and cons, let's see which of the two this turns out to be.


Aug 20, 2014
Reaction score
You've got to think of the pros rather then the cons. With Microsoft buying Mojang, they will be able to contribute more money into the production of there games, generally dishing out more updates in shorter times. They already stated that they wont change the game to a huge extent, and with most of the Mojang staff merging over to work on there games along side with Microsoft, they will keep there original content, again, without little to no major changes.
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