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Survival Games Obsitus City- Urban Warfare

Should this map be added to the MCSG servers?

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May 27, 2012
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The bridge is an idea that I love, but don't worry, I am going to keep that other building. If you like the corn we have now you will love this one, I will fix that trap, add more holes in the walls, and as for the outer region you are talking about, there is actally a structure in those woods, just might not be above ground. :)
Yeah, I didn't exactly read over the section about the corn, I was trying to suggest that the building gets moved somewhere else, and not deleted from the map :p I edited the post though, so now it should go into more detail.


District 13
May 24, 2012
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I do have a few screenshots of where this map could use some improvements. Going in the order of screenshot-> suggestion.

Parking Garage:

This structure could use some serious improvements in terms of detail, I suggest that you add maybe a few beams running along the ceiling of the garage. Also for the first floor ceiling, the fact that you can see the lane lines on the floor below doesn't exactly look good, try something more like this:

This way you can still have your lines, and not have it show up on the floor below.


This could use the most improvement. First off, I recommend you remove the building in the cornucopia. If anything at least move it to an empty spot on the map with MCEdit, this building in my opinion is the best built building, but worst placed. The placement of this building could slow down the game/ be a death trap at refill if you are in the building, as there is no quick and painless escape from that building. It would be a huge obstruction for the corn design that I have in mind. I also suggest removing some of the trees next to the building, just to improve the efficiency of getting in and out of the cornucopia. The second and biggest improvement I recommend is doing something like this:

It will help improve the looks of the map, and it will add something original to a not original map, as someone has yet to make a cornucopia under a city bridge. The bridge would also add a sense of realism to the map, normally you wouldn't find a road like that in the real world, most likely there would be a bridge spanning the gap. Also I built this in a rush, so you wouldn't have the original road lines below. Also you would edit the cornucopia with maybe a few touch ups, I just built the bridge.

Twin towers:

This building seems to just ignore the law of gravity, and any other real world law. Where is the missing part of the walkway? Did it just disappear from midair? At least add some kind of rubble under the walkway on the road. Or even try and make it look like the two pieces of the walkway are beginning to fall over, and/or have already fallen over.

Those are the suggestions I can think of at the moment, I'll edit this post when I think of more.
The bridge is an idea that I love, but don't worry, I am going to keep that other building. If you like the corn we have now you will love this one, I will fix that trap, add more holes in the walls, and as for the outer region you are talking about, there is actally a structure in those woods, just might not be above ground. :)
Here are the requested changes!

1) The bridge with the cornucopia.
2) Moved the building next to spawn.
3) Changed parking garage to 18-wheeler rest-spot: I decided that the parking garage didn't go well right there, but I think I made it better by adding the "rest stop".
4) Added rubble under the sky bridge connecting the towers.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. If there is more you guys would like to be done, just tell me. :)


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Here are my screens with suggestions:
Do not do the bridge, for me this ruins the feel of the corn and the map :( also I like the building it would destroy. Instead here is my suggestion, do something central like :

p.s. I know that it means there is just a random structure in the middle of the road but you could sort that out :D

Outer regions:
Some of the areas feel a bit empty e.g.

Filling them with structures would be great! :)

Small improvements:
This wall could do with a few more gaps in it (I know there already are some breaks)

You seem to have not put a chest in here and it doesn't do a very good job of killing you :p

All of ManOfTheBread's other suggestions are good just not the bridge in my opinion (pls don't do that :O)
I fixed up the bank. And all of your other suggestions were taken into account except the corn. I did the bridge and it looks good. I think you will like it too. :)


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
What time GMT? I am in Eastern Standard, or GMT-5
I am Central TIme, but it doesn't matter, because we will be open from let's say 9:00 am CST to 10:00 pm CST. So you are welcome to come online and play any time between those hours.


Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
It is good, it just looks too...cookie cutter. Everything looks placed, not put together into one smooth map

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