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The solution to the 'gg' problem

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Sep 30, 2013
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Definitely right Darkrai a solution should be found, i just find it easier to ignore what people say but this solution could work.


Dec 9, 2012
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Yeah I don't think anything like this would happen any time soon and I simply do not like the idea


Nov 20, 2013
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People who say "Fite me nub" then when you try to approach them they bow spam you in water. :C


Mar 3, 2013
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When someone kills you, don't get upset about it :p. Trust me it'll only make you more upset. If you want to improve your attitude, try complimenting them it actually helps even though they can't hear it. If they kill you just simply say something like Nice Job :). It makes you feel better and if they could hear spectators I'm sure it would make them feel better too :). It's the thought that counts :p


Aug 13, 2013
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Don't block either. If I want to say 'rekt' to a 3 team who were trash talking me in a lobby, I should be able to. As Beardy said, the solution is not to go around blocking stuff, but for the people getting offended to stop caring so much. In just about every gaming community under the sun, 'GG' means good game and is a mark for respect. The only thing that has changed here is how a handful of people have chosen to interpret GG- when somebody says GG after killing them it gives them an excuse to get mad at them. As for stuff worse than GG, the same rules apply. Yesterday I fought a regen/aimbot/speed hacker who went around saying 'gg rekt 10' after killing everyone (kind of ironic, huh?). That was the 5th hacker I had died to in a row. Did I get excessively mad? No, the joke was on them as I recorded and reported them.

Just remember: somebody insulting your skill in a game is not a big deal.


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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Rather than unnecessarily overcomplicating the matter, simply do nothing. If one does not acknowledge, the provocative conveyor achieves nothing.

However, someone previously mentioned opponents saying "fite me".
To that, I support a response. They ask you to "fite them", you not only fight, but kill them.


Nov 20, 2013
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And after I kill the stacked team they'll say "hacks" "I'm reporting you" then I screen share them and they have nothing to say... Most people that team are just bad, so when you get them to ten hearts feel good that you did actually give them a gg considering if it was a 1v1 you would have been the one to rek them
Don't Double-Post...


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Ah, but it is.
I refer you to my earlier posts on another similar thread, where I specifically explained the scientific probability of the manner from the viewpoint of the provoked. The probability of the average person overcoming the urge to respond to the provoker mentally, physically, or verbally, is too improbable to impose it as the solution to this dilemma, one that affects n0t only the individuals, but the business and it's ability to accumulate a good cash flow as a whole.

To shove this clearly hot topic away as being the fault and problem of only the individuals, you're merely leaving the cycle that statistics show will only continue to run it's course, which from a business standpoint isn't a good thing. As you are a member of the staff, I would expect you would understand this. There is a reason acts of harassment and inappropriate behavior are frowned upon and stopped as much as possible by the staff team; to keep players happy and playing, or in other words, to keep the business coming, all things these actions attack.

Not everyone is in that percentage of people who can tolerate this stuff, and you cannot expect everyone to be. That's far too ambitious a request. An individual can also certainly ease the problem of susceptibility for themselves, but it's scientifically impossible to be immune to mental reaction to a "get rekt" when you are in a position of a well recognized or skillful player, which many players are, or if you think you're these things, which many more people do. The better solution would really just be to stop the act of players provoking each other, which while also quite ambitious, is a lot easier to get close to than relying on everyone to individually fight human instinct.

This is literally the most unintelligent thread I have ever come across.... If some one says "gg" or "rekt" there is no point in banning the word... just prove to yourself that you have no penguins... lots and lots of penguins to give and move on with your life... If you find a two man team hard then learn new strategies as there are so many.. Fishing poll, bow, flint, tnt, and if you don't have any of those tools then you should get "rekt" if I have tools I can single handily take out 3 mans..
From the individual standpoint, you make a point, everyone should try to avoid being too upset over this stuff. That doesn't make it an unintelligent topic to discuss, though, as the potential downsides to ignoring it can lead to financial disadvantages for the business (though negligible in comparison to other factors) and unhappy individuals, who, in my personal opinion, shouldn't be looked down upon just because they have problems with things you don't.

Edit: Certainly, these statements aren't cited in what I've wrote, and it hurts my argument significantly. If you're willing to do some research to check the authenticity of these arguments, though, you're free to. I'll admit, I couldn't be bothered to go scouring the internet for the sources on all these right now, it's the middle of a school day and I have an actual paper I should be writing.
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