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Thinking Thread | Rating the MCSG maps

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Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
So being one who loves data and scales of 1 to 10, I'm going to list out each and every MCSG map, including those removed, so that you all can copy and paste it into your post and place your rating for each of them, on a scale of 1-10. You can take whichever factors you prefer into rating them, I.E. gameplay, build quality, etc. If I get enough people to post on here I want to add up all the results and calculate the average ratings for each map. Try not to make the fact of a map being overplayed to impact the score you give it, though there are some I wouldn't blame you for...

Eventually, I will lock this thread and calculate the average rating for each map, and I will post a new one with the results so you can all compare your rating with that of the forum community as a whole.

Here is what the scale means:
1-4: Terrible
5-7: Average
8-10: Amazing

So, here is the complete list of the maps (if I have forgotten any, let me know so I can edit it). Insert your rating out of 10 next to them:

Survival Games 1-
Survival Games 2-
Survival Games 3-
Survival Games 4-
Survival Games 5-
Breeze Island-
Insanity Cause-
Teweran SG 1-
Teweran SG 2-
Fortress Pyke-
Survival Kingdom-
Ancient Japan-
Moonlight Lake-
Asia Games-
Solar Frost-

MCSG Ruins-
Hungry Hills-
Skylands Survival-
Overgrown Arena-

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 4/10: I have enjoyed this one at times, but normally I find the matches on it to be quite long and boring. Let's just say, no new maps should be inspired by this original.
Survival Games 2- 5/10: I really wish I could give this a higher rating; it's a map most of the pros love to pieces, but I honestly have never really enjoyed playing on it. I'm not the biggest fan of city maps with huge buildings and vines, and it is pretty big, so that could be a factor. I've also never really found a chest route that's always good and that I can remember. I'll have to work on this one.
Survival Games 3- 7/10: I will be willing to play this one any time. I have a fairly good chest route, and I've been able to win with it a few times. Yes, it's big, but it's the kind of big that works with the map; for example there aren't really any huge areas that have absolutely nothing as some maps have, at least not that I've noticed.
Survival Games 4- 9/10: Okay, so it is ridiculously overplayed, but it's for a good reason. It does offer an amazing PVP experience, it's always easy to find people, and it has generous chest placement. But, the reason I don't give it 10/10 is because it does get boring and kind of routine-ish when it's played so often. But, when played in moderation, it's absolutely amazing.
Survival Games 5- 7/10: I think this map is actually pretty good, but I have to take the lag into consideration, which knocks off a couple points for me. Also, the corn can be quite annoying, especially that part where you have to jump down and run into your route at the beginning of the game without being punched to death in the water as you struggle to find your tunnel.
Breeze Island- 2/10: No. Just no. It's a beautifully built map, but in terms of gameplay, it's a major dud. I can't understand why it's so often voted. I think, and I've said before, it's an easy map to "get lucky" on, for example being able to knock someone off of the mountains, which is where I think the best routes are. People think of that fact and so they vote it. But in terms of needing to have skill to win on it, I'd say this one does not have that.
Insanity Cause- 3/10: Jungles are not fun to PVP and search for chests in. Also a high water level. I can win on it, but I don't enjoy playing it at all. Extra point for the corn though, I actually like the look of it a lot.
Teweran SG 1- 5/10: Believe it or not, this used to be my favorite map. But after playing MCSG more and more I began to realize the PVP and gameplay on it was not very good, despite it being a map with an above-average build quality. The dragon is simply amazing.
Teweran SG 2- 10/10: For me; but probably not most others, but for me; this is the perfect MCSG map. No, I'm not saying that just because of the theme, which is also amazing. The gameplay on it is absolutely fantastic. It has the possibility for such a wide variety of PVP situations; there are cliffs, flat deserts, mountains, a little bit of water, a town... It's just awesome, and in terms of build quality, it's second to none. My route on this appears to be quite OP, as it's won me 8 in a row on it as of now. I just love it like I love no other.
Kharmunrah- 8/10: I think most people hate it, but I love it. Yeah, the buildings and structures may feel out of place and cluttered in some spots, but I really actually enjoy the gameplay. Knocking people down the pyramid is MCSG fun to the extreme. The other reason I take off a couple points is because it is an extreme pain finding people hiding on it.
Fortress Pyke- 3/10: Lately, at least for me, this map is becoming almost overplayed. I personally hate this one. Once again, I don't like the idea of huge buildings with vines you have to climb, and to make it even worse they're in the middle of a huge sea. Too much water. There are other areas of the map but it just isn't a fun one to play on for me.
Survival Kingdom- 4/10: I have never enjoyed playing this one. Now, the buildings are fantastic, but I don't see good gameplay with it. There are too many chests. I also lag horribly on this, though that's only because of my computer. The dispensers that have special Golden apples are just ridiculous, if you are the first to get to one of these, you have a guaranteed win unless you fail miserably at chasing someone.
Ancient Japan- 1/10: Absolutely horrendous. I mean this one is bad. Horrible gameplay. The buildings look cool, but it's all just so repetitive and symmetrical it just doesn't have that non-artificial feeling that I look for in a map. And to be honest, this map is the absolute worst for me in terms of lag; I lag so bad I literally can't win on this no matter what gear I have. Once again, that's just my computer talking, but I have to take that into consideration.
Moonlight Lake- 1/10: I was so disappointed with this map. When I first played it, I thought it was going to be one of my favorites. The corn is completely new and unlike any other. But, beyond that bowl which I normally can't get outside of due to having someone try to punch me to death as I make my way up and out, it's gross. How does a map with basically no terraforming whatsoever get into MCSG? It's so freaking small and cramped with all those trees I feel like every single noob in the game is going to be coming at me from all directions trying to fist me to death. The chest placement is so awkward in my opinion, and there are some damn ugly buildings too. Aside from Japan, this is my absolute least favorite. You won't see me playing on it.
Asia Games- 5/10: The corn area of this map looks great, I think it looks very Asia-ish. But, go farther out in any direction, and yeah, what the heck were they thinking? An ice area and a desert on the same map? My route on this map has literally almost only tier 2 chests as well, making it near impossible to get a diamond or iron sword or even a weapon at all for that matter. I have had some good games on it, but I don't enjoy it at all. It's also extremely difficult to find people on.
Solar Frost- 9/10: You either love it or you hate it, and I love it. It's small, but not so small that you feel you're trapped and have nowhere to go (Moonlight Lake). Excellent chest placement and generous amounts of both Tier 1's and Tier 2's, and the bloodbaths that can be seen around corn in literally every single match are a delight. Great map.

MCSG Ruins- 2/10: I got my first MCSG win ever on this map, and played it I think 2 times other than that. Disgusting. That is all.
Hungry Hills- 6/10: Obviously too large and stingy when it came to chests, but I have had some memorable games on it, and it really could be fun depending on whether or not you had to spend 30 minutes searching for people. Also, corn was a pain to get to. I would like this back as a 48-player map though.
Skylands Survival- 2/10: Yuck. Horrible. Gameplay was so lacking on this one. Almost no structures whatsoever and any that there were looked terrible. Don't bring this back. I used to love playing it instead of SG4 or Breeze though.
Overgrown Arena- 7/10: I thought this map was beautiful. Some really nice building was done on this, and the games could be fun, but I always had trouble finiding chests, and didn't enjoy it too much. I would love this to replace Insanity Cause.
Yellowstone- 2/10: Was not fun to play at all. There were chests, but it was simply not fun. Nuff said.


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 5
Survival Games 2- 9
Survival Games 3- 6
Survival Games 4- 7
Survival Games 5- 8
Breeze Island- 8
Insanity Cause- 7
Teweran SG 1- 8
Teweran SG 2- 10
Kharmunrah- 6
Fortress Pyke- 7
Survival Kingdom- 7
Ancient Japan- 6
Moonlight Lake- 8
Asia Games- 8
Solar Frost-10
MCSG Ruins- 4
Hungry Hills- 6
Skylands Survival- 5
Overgrown Arena- 4


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 4/10
Survival Games 2- 9/10
Survival Games 3- 3/10
Survival Games 4- 6/10
Survival Games 5- 8/10
Breeze Island- 3/10
Insanity Cause- 2/10
Teweran SG 1- 7/10
Teweran SG 2- 6/10
Kharmunrah- 2/10
Fortress Pyke- 5/10
Survival Kingdom- 5/10
Ancient Japan- 8/10
Moonlight Lake- 6/10
Asia Games- 2/10
Solar Frost - 9/10

MCSG Ruins- 3/10
Hungry Hills- 1/10
Skylands Survival- 2/10
Overgrown Arena- 4/10
Yellowstone- 5/10

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
I forgot Solar Frost in the original, guys. lol, that one is an important one too.


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 6
Survival Games 2- 10
Survival Games 3- 5
Survival Games 4- 8
Survival Games 5- 3
Breeze Island- 5
Insanity Cause- 3
Teweran SG 1- 7
Teweran SG 2- 6
Kharmunrah- 5
Fortress Pyke- 4
Survival Kingdom- 8
Ancient Japan- 6
Moonlight Lake- 2
Asia Games- 4
Solar Frost-7
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 4/10
Survival Games 2- 7/10
Survival Games 3- 2/10
Survival Games 4- 5/10
Survival Games 5- 7/10
Breeze Island- 6/10
Insanity Cause- 4/10
Teweran SG 1- 8/10
Teweran SG 2- 7/10
Kharmunrah- 6/10
Fortress Pyke- 7/10
Survival Kingdom 9/10
Ancient Japan- 2/10
Moonlight Lake-'9/10
Asia Games- 1/10
Solar Frost 10/10

Removed Maps
MCSG Ruins- 2/10
Hungry Hills- 1/10
Skylands Survival- 5/10
Overgrown Arena- 3/10
Yellowstone- 5/10


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 7 (Too much water, very good terrain, fun to PvP, but a lot of open space)
Survival Games 2- 6 (Too big, and too much space for campers, also looks good)
Survival Games 3- 5 (Once again, too big, too much jungle)
Survival Games 4- 8 (Overplayed, I know, but so good for PvP, small size)
Survival Games 5- 6 (Too much empty space, original idea, awesome buildings)
Breeze Island- 4 (Way too much water, but very pretty, paradise :cool:)
Insanity Cause- 3 (Jungle Biomes are the worst for PvP, also too much water, overused bedrock)
Teweran SG 1- 7 (So beautiful, and pretty decent for PvP, too much ice)
Teweran SG 2- 10 (Super good looking, and amazing for fights)
Kharmunrah- 2 (Builds aren't the greatest, too big, too much empty space, crashes my game)
Fortress Pyke- 7 (Really good builds, good for PvP, a little too much water)
Survival Kingdom- 7 (Good builds, just kinda resource intensive, and huge, space used wisely)
Ancient Japan- 6 (Super good builds, resource intense, space used to potential)
Moonlight Lake- 4 (Decent for PvP, super noticeably word edited, kinda random)
Asia Games- 2 (Barley any work put in, random biomes, terrible block choice, super huge)
Solar Frost- 5 (Pretty good looking, small, but too much confined space, dead-ends)

MCSG Ruins- 2 (Random biomes, pretty bad builds, annoying corn)
Hungry Hills- 5 (Good idea, but way too huge, and way too much open space, pretty builds)
Skylands Survival- 6 (Very original, pretty well built, hard to PvP or escape danger, too much fall damage)
Overgrown Arena- 4 (Good builds, Jungles are hard to PvP in, too huge)
Yellowstone- 2 (Way too big, not pretty builds, ugly stone sphere, kinda random)

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 6 (Too much water)
Survival Games 2- 7 (Too big, and too much space for campers)
Survival Games 3- 7 (Once again, too big)
Survival Games 4- 9 (Overplayed, I know, but so good for PvP)
Survival Games 5- 5 (Too much empty space)
Breeze Island- 3 (Way too much water)
Insanity Cause- 3 (Jungle Biomes are the worst for PvP, also too much water)
Teweran SG 1- 7 (So beautiful, and pretty decent for PvP)
Teweran SG 2- 10 (Super good looking, and amazing for fights)
Kharmunrah- 2 (Builds aren't the greatest, too big, too much empty space)
Fortress Pyke- 8 (Really good builds, good for PvP)
Survival Kingdom- 6 (Good builds, just kinda resource intensive, and huge)
Ancient Japan- 6 (Super good builds, resource intense)
Moonlight Lake- 5 (Decent for PvP, super noticeably word edited)
Asia Games- 2 (Barley any work put in, random biomes, terrible block choice, super huge)
Solar Frost- 8 (Pretty good looking, small, but too much confined space)
Thanks for the comments on each map, I wanted to add that on my post as well but I'll have to do it later :p


Apr 28, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 6 (map is good just some things are a bit more over power like the boat)
Survival Games 2-8 (great map love how well pvp works on it a bit laggy but still really fun)
Survival Games 3-4 (to many vines to get hooked up on makes it to hard for pvp)
Survival Games 4-7 (not terrible in my eyes a smaller version of map 2 still really go to pvp)
Survival Games 5-5 (map has well built building but glitch back way to often on the very buggy half slab snow blocks)
Breeze Island-3 (kills me to deal with the terrible amount of water but pvp on land is fine
Insanity Cause-0 (so bad way to much water a lot of vines to get caught on can barley have space to pvp all around not made to pvp)
Teweran SG 1-8 (Amazing build really well made to pvp a lot of open space and nice chests to find or discover)
Teweran SG 2- 10 (my most Favorite map very open Beautiful builds and just made for pvp upsets me to see breeze picked over this map :( )
Kharmunrah-2 (really big and easy to get lost in it not hard to pvp though the corn is a bad idea with the pyramid)
Fortress Pyke-7 (not bad just the factor of to much water the corn is nice easy for pvp well done)
Survival Kingdom-3 (nice builds a bit laggy but the main thing i seem to hate is once aging not easy for pvp easily get caught in vines to make hard and frustrating pvp fight )
Ancient Japan- 4 (map has good builds just really poorly design because of the weird and out of now where chest with no purpose of being their)
Moonlight Lake- 8 (map is really fun to play on the trees add to the challenge of escape only thing is the world edit is noticeable)
Asia Games- 2 (very random and poorly design pvp is nice and easy but to random placement of builds)
Solar Frost- 6 ( fun map i have to say no with all the annoying traps and the dead end tunnels which results in unfair fight or cheap trap deaths)

MCSG Ruins- 2 (this map was up and shorty removed it was small with no idea or purpose except for the "broken" lobby underground other wise seems hardly worked on with no effort )
Hungry Hills-2 ( too damn big)
Skylands Survival- 8 ( not bad nice open land to pvp not laggy at all ok builds)
Overgrown Arena-1 ( big map and mash up of hungry hills and sg 3 )
Yellowstone- 0 (to big ugly stone wall poorly made not good in my eyes)


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 7 | Very nice gameplay, the chests are quite clustered on one side of the map, then there are almost none on the other side, and the terraforming looks too much like vanilla minecraft chunk errors in some areas.
Survival Games 2- 8 | Great size, the chest placement is great; everything is well hidden and not staring you in the face, and the structures are amazing! Though it's only downfall is it's compatibility with laggy computers.
Survival Games 3- 8.5 | One of my personal favorites, as it brings the more realistic feel of the hunger games, though some more chests would be recommended, as well as making the dome smaller to compliment for that un-needed ocean that no-one goes out into.
Survival Games 4- 3 | The Pvp is great, but there are too many chests confined to a map that is less than 150 blocks in radius, and teir 2's are too common, and also clustered into small areas.
Survival Games 5- 7 | I love this map, the builds are great, and I LOVE the theme, though it is much too laggy (The devs didn't install the less-laggy version sent to them apparently, maybe they didn't get it :p), and the block variation lacks.
Breeze Island- 4 | The Pvp is better then SG4, but is is way too easy to use cliffs to your advantage, though the structure placement make it so people don't get lost, that is traded for a good theme, which wasn't the best idea.
Insanity Cause- 2 | This map is bad, though some areas pass, it is quite impossible to get some good fights on this map, the chests are nearly non-existant, and the only way to make a chest route in my opinion is to memorize the pattern of the broken glass.
Teweran SG 1- 9 | Very well made! The chests are placed well and teirs chosen nicely. And if you know what you are doing, ice fights could be the winning factor of any game on this map.
Teweran SG 2- 10 | "THE SHEER WESTERN DETAIL!!!" makes this map look beautiful! I love this theme, and the chests are placed very nicely. The PvP is always entertaining!
Kharmunrah- 5 | The theme and chest placement works,but some of the structures are random in places, and the landmarks are too scarce in my opinion.
Fortress Pyke- 9 | One of my favorites, this map contains well-placed chests (exception: The OP room, which is first on my chest route :3), though the breeze island water problem comes into affect when you near the rim of the map.
Survival Kingdom- 6 | I really don't have much of an argument on this one other then too many chests, as it's not played much.
Ancient Japan- 8 | Very well built, though the lack of block variation annoys my eyes, and most of the time you are just running.
Moonlight Lake- 4 | Corn is absolutely beautiful, but as you leave corn...It's all flat land and some trees, not much else.
Asia Games-3 | The chests are too clustered, and the structures seem a bit random in areas.
Solar Frost- 8 | Very unique and well built, the indoor feel is quite interesting, and corn is always a blood-bath the entire game, which helps the fact that there are too many teir 2's.

MCSG Ruins- 7 | Though there was no real theme, and the copy/pasted mcsg lobby seemed weird, corn was quite amazing, and the PvP (away from the jungle) was very nice.
Hungry Hills- 9 | I honestly don't understand why this was removed... the structures were very scarce, chests more hidden, it seemed more like the hunger games which was great in my opinion, and the terraforming was breathtaking.
Skylands Survival- 5 | Though the terraforming was generated by a custom-biome mod, the structures fit well, but there are many in-escapable islands with chests on them.
Overgrown Arena- 5 | Like survival kingdom, only played it twice, but it seemed like a good map in my opinion, the structures were very well made.
Yellowstone- 6 | This one is if-y, there were too many terraforming glitches to get out of the map, and the idea for the stone dome was abused, making small area's outside the dome that can be breached. But over-all the choice of blocks was the only real problem in my opinion, ans the chests were well-placed, and the stone dome gave it a marshy feel on the out-skirts, and the use of the stone dome allowed them to give areas more shade then others, optimizing that feel.
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