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Thinking Thread | Rating the MCSG maps

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District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I'll give this a go, adding in some comments.

Survival Games 1- 7.5/10 | This map in its current form is flat out boring. It's honestly the best you can do with a pure forest map though. It offers some really decent PvP, which I can't deny. The new revamped version of this map on the "other" servers has fixed the size issue of the water, so it's actually improved quite a bit. If that version was on the servers I'd give it an 8/10.

Survival Games 2- 9/10 | Forever my favorite map. There are multiple large chest routes to take that all offer a decent amount of tier 2's. The map is fair, and that's what a map should be. It offers a really solid selection of PvP. I knocked a point off because it can be tough to find that last person to get down to the final 3, or what used to be the final 2 (which was even tougher.)

Survival Games 3- 6/10 | SG 3 is honestly a really solid map. The hotspots seems to garner some solid PvP, but otherwise you'll always play with the newbies who have no idea where they are going or what they are doing, and thus the matches take forever. This makes it boring, and is one of the reasons why I don't record on it often.

Survival Games 4- 8/10 | I really didn't want to give this map a high rating, I really didn't. But even I can't deny the fact that I still vote for it when it's up. Simply put, it offers the best PvP out of ANY of the maps. It's easy to find a fight, and that's what I want, action. I'd give it a higher rating, but honestly, the chest routes are awful. There are only two REALLY good ones, and then the other half of the map is bland. The map design is boring and flat. PvP tends to win Blamph over.

Survival Games 5- 7/10 | I gave SG 5 a 7 because it's still to this day the only map I've ever had lag on consistently. I only get the lag when I record in full screen, but it's still pretty obnoxious. It's a sexy map, it really is. The matches tend to be short, but I'll have to give it one more knock on the point scale due to the corn being pretty shotty. It's fancy and all, but pretty obnoxious when playing against teams.

Breeze Island- 4/10 | Mother of God. Too small, too boring, too much water, not enough land, not enough chests, go away.

Insanity Cause- 5/10 | I added a point because I actually enjoy it slightly more then Breeze Island. It's quite obnoxious to find the chests though, and there wasn't to much thought put into the creation. Just please stop with these mini maps, they aren't fun, honestly.

Teweran SG 1- 8/10 | I tend to be a pretty tough rater. This map is really good looking, I can't deny that, but the PvP is.. lacking to say the least. Still, it continues to be one of my favorite maps.

Teweran SG 2- 8.5/10 | I actually like this one more then Teweran 1, partially because of the "no ice" stance. I think it lacks quite a bit in the PvP area also, but it's a step up from #1. I think it deserves to be voted in more.

Kharmunrah- 4/10 | I absolutely despise this map with a heavy passion. The chest placement is horrible, and there still continues to be only one or two good routes. It's just a large map with a corn that I hate to get to. You don't need to have a fancy corn to make a map look good, really, you don't. I have yet to have a solid match where the PvP is good on this map, which is another reason to knock on it. I'll continue to leave matches when this is voted.

Fortress Pyke- 7/10 | Surprisingly one of the maps that I enjoy. I have a solid chest route on it, and there doesn't seem to be too many tier 2 chests, which means PvP will generally be even and fair. I'm a big fan of mid sized maps, and this one hit that one perfectly. The landscape is well done also. The only two knocks I give the map is the amount of water in it, and that horrible trap where you can get stuck in all game. It ruined one of my recordings once. : (

Survival Kingdom- 7.5/10 | Two words, solid PvP. Too many chests though, and it's one of my main problems with the map. It's also a little too cluttered, but that's fine when I'm chasing someone and they have no idea where to go.

Ancient Japan- 5.5/10 | Just no. It's a slight step up from Karmunurahurahurah, but it's lacking in the tier 2 department (though me and Evan have found a cluster of them that I've never known about before.) The PvP is only a running game on this map, which is the problem with completely flat maps. I do give it this though, the architecture and design of the buildings is flat out awesome.

Moonlight Lake- 7/10 | I enjoy this map a bit on the odd occasion. The corn is a bit of an oddball, but it actually makes for some interesting PvP moments, so I don't hate it. It's another small map though, with a small amount of chests. I may only like it because my route is the sexy.

Asia Games- 3/10 | Holy smokes, I'm not even sure how this was accepted, I really don't. The map is so random with the buildings sporadically placed that it honestly just confuses me. Even the village on the map looks randomized and oddly placed. The design is interesting, and if the map wasn't so damn big I might have given it a couple of points, but this has been the ONLY map after the 40 minute time limit was put in where I have actually reached that time limit. WHYYYYYYY!? was this added.

Solar Frost- 8.5/10 | Oddly enough one of favorite maps. I LOVE the PvP element on this map. The fact that I can run a couple of solid chest routes on a map this small appalls me, kudos to the map makers for winning me over. One thing that I love is that I can look out into corn from one of the caves and see an all out battle between 5-6 people. Sex-E.

MCSG Ruins- Ew/10 | Gross.

Hungry Hills- 6/10 | I actually didn't mind Hungry Hills too much. I only played it 5 times total and won 3 of them, none of which I had a chest route etched out until my 5th play through. It simply didn't get voted enough for me to care about it.

Skylands Survival- 4/10 | Still debating if this map was thought out when it was in the planning process, still don't think it was. Worst PvP gameplay out of any of the maps.

Overgrown Arena- 6/10 | Alright, huge map, but I actually enjoyed it. I had an awesome game on it during one of the livestreams where I was about to kill Chad while I was teamed up with St. Camel, but lo and behold, the server dc'd. Didn't play it enough to actually enjoy it and etch out a chest route. Does make me miss the 48 man servers though.

Yellowstone- 1/10 | Were there even chests on this map? And what was that stone wall? I remember watching SixZoSeven once and he actually got OUTSIDE the wall. The outside was literally just survival mode. Haven't heard from Six since.


Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
I'll give this a go, adding in some comments.

Survival Games 1- 7.5/10 | This map in its current form is flat out boring. It's honestly the best you can do with a pure forest map though. It offers so really decent PvP, which I can't deny. The new revamped version of this map on the "other" servers has fixed the size issue of the water, so it's actually improved quite a bit. If that version was on the servers I'd give it an 8/10.

Survival Games 2- 9/10 | Forever my favorite map. There are multiple large chest routes to take that all offer a decent amount of tier 2's. The map is fair, and that's what a map should be. It offers a really solid selection of PvP. I knocked a point off because it can be tough to find that last person to get down to the final 3, or what used to be the final 2 (which was even tougher.)

Survival Games 3- 6/10 | SG 3 is honestly a really solid map. The hotspots seems to garner some solid PvP, but otherwise you'll always play with the newbies who have no idea where they are going or what they are doing, and thus the matches take forever. This makes it boring, and is one of the reasons why I don't record on it often.

Survival Games 4- 8/10 | I really didn't want to give this map a high rating, I really didn't. But even I can't deny the fact that I still vote for it when it's up. Simply put, it offers the best PvP out of ANY of the maps. It's easy to find a fight, and that's what I want, action. I'd give it a higher rating, but honestly, the chest routes are awful. There are only two REALLY good ones, and then the other half of the map is bland. The map design is boring and flat. PvP tends to win Blamph over.

Survival Games 5- 7/10 | I gave SG 5 a 7 because it's still to this day the only map I've ever had lag on consistently. I only get the lag when I record in full screen, but it's still pretty obnoxious. It's a sexy map, it really is. The matches tend to be short, but I'll have to give it one more knock on the point scale due to the corn being pretty shotty. It's fancy and all, but pretty obnoxious when playing against teams.

Breeze Island- 4/10 | Mother of God. Too small, too boring, too much water, not enough land, not enough chests, go away.

Insanity Cause- 5/10 | I added a point because I actually enjoy it slightly more then Breeze Island. It's quite obnoxious to find the chests though, and there wasn't to much thought put into the creation. Just please stop with these mini maps, they aren't fun, honestly.

Teweran SG 1- 8/10 | I tend to be a pretty tough rater. This map is really good looking, I can't deny that, but the PvP is.. lacking to say the least. Still, it continues to be one of my favorite maps.

Teweran SG 2- 8.5/10 | I actually like this one more then Teweran 1, partially because of the "no ice" stance. I think it lacks quite a bit in the PvP area also, but it's a step up from #1. I think it deserves to be voted in more.

Kharmunrah- 4/10 | I absolutely despise this map with a heavy passion. The chest placement is horrible, and there still continues to be only one or two good routes. It's just a large map with a corn that I hate to get to. You don't need to have a fancy corn to make a map look good, really, you don't. I have yet to have a solid match where the PvP is good on this map, which is another reason to knock on it. I'll continue to leave matches when this is voted.

Fortress Pyke- 7/10 | Surprisingly one of the maps that I enjoy. I have a solid chest route on it, and there doesn't seem to be too many tier 2 chests, which means PvP will generally be even and fair. I'm a big fan of mid sized maps, and this one hit that one perfectly. The landscape is well done also. The only two knocks I give the map is the amount of water in it, and that horrible trap where you can get stuck in all game. It ruined one of my recordings once. : (

Survival Kingdom- 7.5/10 | Two words, solid PvP. Too many chests though, and it's one of my main problems with the map. It's also a little too cluttered, but that's fine when I'm chasing someone and they have no idea where to go.

Ancient Japan- 5.5/10 | Just no. It's a slight step up from Karmunurahurahurah, but it's lacking in the tier 2 department (though me and Evan have found a cluster of them that I've never known about before.) The PvP is only a running game on this map, which is the problem with completely flat maps. I do give it this though, the architecture and design of the buildings is flat out awesome.

Moonlight Lake- 7/10 | I enjoy this map a bit on the odd occasion. The corn is a bit of an oddball, but it actually makes for some interesting PvP moments, so I don't hate it. It's another small map though, which a small amount of chests. I may only like it because my route is the sexy.

Asia Games- 3/10 | Holy smokes, I'm not even sure how this was accepted, I really don't. The map is so random with the buildings sporadically placed that it honestly just confuses me. Even the village on the map looks randomized and oddly places. The design is interesting, and if the map wasn't so damn big I might have given it a couple of points, but this has been the ONLY map after the 40 minute time limit was put in where I have actually reached that time limit. WHYYYYYYY!? was this added.

Solar Frost- 8.5/10 | Oddly enough one of favorite maps. I LOVE the PvP element on this map. The fact that I can run a couple of solid chest routes on a map this small appalls me, kudos to the map makers for winning me over. One thing that I love is that I can look out into corn from one of the caves and see an all out battle between 5-6 people. Sex-E.

MCSG Ruins- Ew/10 | Gross.

Hungry Hills- 6/10 | I actually didn't mind Hungry Hills too much. I only played it 5 times total and won 3 of them, none of which I had a chest route etched out until my 5th play through. It simply didn't get voted enough for me to care about it.

Skylands Survival- 4/10 | Still debating if this map was thought out when it was in the planning process, still don't think it was. Worst PvP gameplay out of any of the maps.

Overgrown Arena- 6/10 | Alright, huge map, but I actually enjoyed it. I had an awesome game on it during one of the livestreams where I was about to kill Chad while I was teamed up with St. Camel, but lo and behold, the server dc'd. Didn't play it enough to actually enjoy it and etch out a chest route. Does make me miss the 48 man servers though.

Yellowstone- 1/10 | Were there even chests on this map? And what was that stone wall? I remember watching SixZoSeven once and he actually got OUTSIDE the wall. The outside was literally just survival mode. Haven't heard from Six since.
well damn


Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 3
Survival Games 2- 2

Survival Games 3- 5
Survival Games 4- 9
Survival Games 5- 8
Breeze Island- 9
Insanity Cause- 4
Teweran SG 1- 6
Teweran SG 2- 7.5
Kharmunrah- 7
Fortress Pyke- 6.5
Survival Kingdom- 6
Ancient Japan- 7.3
Moonlight Lake- 2
Asia Games- 5
Solar Frost- 8.5
MCSG Ruins- never played
Hungry Hills- 1
Skylands Survival- didn't play
Overgrown Arena- didn't play
Yellowstone- 3


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 4/10
Survival Games 2- 5/10
Survival Games 3- 7/10
Survival Games 4- 9/10
Survival Games 5- 7/10
Breeze Island- 2/10
Insanity Cause- 3/10
Teweran SG 1- 5/10
Teweran SG 2- 10/10
Kharmunrah- 9/10
Fortress Pyke- 3/10
Survival Kingdom- 4/10
Ancient Japan- 2/10
Moonlight Lake- 1/10
Asia Games- 5/10
Solar Frost- 9/10

MCSG Ruins- 3/10
Hungry Hills- 6/10
Skylands Survival- 3/10
Overgrown Arena- 7/10
Yellowstone- 2/10
I ditto this.

I have the exact same map rankings.


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Just writing in the brackits that ( ) thingy what i DONT like at the map... Dont think I dont see anything good at it :eek:
Survival Games 1-
6 (takes soo long, too open)
Survival Games 2- 8 (bit too big buildings,)
Survival Games 3- 5 (takes ages. too big)
Survival Games 4- 10 (Now they will flame at me ^^ maybe bit too much field between train and spawn)
Survival Games 5- 8 (Laaags and nno i dont have a bad pc... Ice fights... there is not that much pvp skill needed :/ )
Breeze Island- 6 (too much water, no pvp skill needed at many places at mountains or anything... good equip at spawn is pretty much auto win)
Insanity Cause- 6 (better than I expected but jungles cant be great...)
Teweran SG 1- 7 (Ice pvp still sucks...)
Teweran SG 2- 8.5 (everything is great but something is missing at this map i need for a perfect map LOL)
Kharmunrah- 5 (takes long, the pyramid is a bit too large, looks boring and meeh)
Fortress Pyke- 6 (didnt play this map often and dont see a reason whyi should vote for it ^^)
Survival Kingdom- 6 (takes often ages, huge)
Ancient Japan- 7.5 (blah)
Moonlight Lake- 6 (Too small ^^ and you cant escape good)
Asia Games- 6 (big, open)
Solar Frost- 7 (dm sucks, nearly no chance against teams of two at spawn because of the ice...)

MCSG Ruins- 8 (though its easy to build i love the pvp at it)
Hungry Hills- 2 (maybe epic terraforming but gameplay sucks.)
Skylands Survival- 2 (annoying traps you die in / you cant get rid off)
Overgrown Arena- 4 ( too much jungle :eek: )


Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
]Survival Games 1- 6/10[/I]
Survival Games 2- 7/10
Survival Games 3- 4/10
Survival Games 4- 8/10
Survival Games 5- 6/10
Breeze Island- 10/10
Insanity Cause- 2/10
Teweran SG 1- 8/10
Teweran SG 2- 9/10
Kharmunrah- 8/10
Fortress Pyke- 6/10
Survival Kingdom- 1/10
Ancient Japan- 3/10
Moonlight Lake- 9/10
Asia Games- 1/10
Solar Frost- 10/10

MCSG Ruins- 5/10
Hungry Hills- 4/10
Skylands Survival- 4/10
Overgrown Arena- 6/10
Yellowstone- 4/10[/quote]


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 4/10
Survival Games 2- 7/10
Survival Games 3- 4/10
Survival Games 4- 8/10
Survival Games 5- 7/10
Breeze Island- 3/10
Insanity Cause- 1/10 (Shivers thinking about this map, it really is a cause of my insanity!)
Teweran SG 1- 6/10
Teweran SG 2- 9/10
Kharmunrah- 5/10
Fortress Pyke- 5/10
Survival Kingdom- 10/10 (Love this map personally)
Ancient Japan- 6/10
Moonlight Lake- 6/10
Asia Games-6/10
Solar Frost- 7/10

MCSG Ruins- 3/10 (Only played once though)
Hungry Hills- 1/10
Skylands Survival- 6/10
Overgrown Arena- 7/10


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 6 - The boat is way to unfair
Survival Games 2- 8 - Love my chest route ;)
Survival Games 3- 3 - Takes for ever, and its to big for my liking
Survival Games 4- 10 - I dont even care if it's over played, Perfect size for me. Plus i got a Beast chest route ;)
Survival Games 5- 5 - A little to big for me :p (Thats what she said)
Breeze Island- 5 -The water is just way to annoying and there's not many chest :(
Insanity Cause- 7 - I actually enjoy this map even know i dont have a chest route.
Teweran SG 1- 9 - I honestly have the best route on this map!
Teweran SG 2- 7 - I dont know this map really but i find it kinda fun.
Kharmunrah- 2 - Horrible Map.
Fortress Pyke- 6 - If it get's voted i dont leave :p
Survival Kingdom- 8 - I love how you can just randomly run somewhere and get some good loots ;)
Ancient Japan- 7 - The build of this map is sooo nice.
Moonlight Lake- 8 - I love the beginning parkour ;) Only map i have a chance at getting 2 spawn chest.
Asia Games- 2 -Way to much water
Solar Frost- 10 - I got my first win on this map ;) I also really love the lava parkour tunnel, because i have one a lot sitting in there with a fishing rod knockin insanely stacked people into the lava ;) I guess you can call it my Srololololol map ;)

MCSG Ruins- Never Played :(
Hungry Hills- 3 - Way to big
Skylands Survival- 7 - I honestly thought it was kinda fun
Overgrown Arena- never played
Yellowstone- 1 - I found only 1 chest in 10 minutes, never voted for it after that :(


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Survival Games 1- 5
Survival Games 2- 7 (I'm sorry blamph, I just hating looking for campers, so low rating.
Survival Games 3- 3
Survival Games 4- 9.5
Survival Games 5- 7
Breeze Island- 7
Insanity Cause- 5
Teweran SG 1- 9
Teweran SG 2- 2 (I hate it!)
Kharmunrah- 7
Fortress Pyke- 6
Survival Kingdom- 6
Ancient Japan- 5
Moonlight Lake- 4
Asia Games- 0 ( absolutely terrible map! No logic in the chest placement, some random places with very weird parkour, cloud parkour. Just NO
Solar Frost- 10 (my favourite)

MCSG Ruins- 1
Hungry Hills- 2
Skylands Survival- 2
Overgrown Arena- 2
Yellowstone- -0.5

Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
Reaction score
Lol, I like how you guys are saying 7 is a low rating, for me 7 is one of the best I gave :p
<edit> I have edited my post and added in my thoughts on each map. It's a big post.
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