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To Harassers, Flamers, and Trollers who think they're the best thing since sliced bread...

Are both of these points big problems in the MCSG community?

  • Yes, and they both need to stop!

    Votes: 25 71.4%
  • Only trolling/flaming/harassing is a big problem.

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • Only over-competitiveness is a big problem.

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Neither of these are BIG problems, but they should both stop

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Get lost. Take a hike. Shoo.

In my opinion, this is the #1 problem that ruins the fun of people that enjoy to play not only MCSG, but other video games as well. People have a serious lack of seriousness when it is needed. It's fine to goof off in certain situations, but taking it to the extent where something like this happens??

That's just absolutely ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. It's a mentality in general society that needs to stop immediately.

  • If you enjoy changing your name on TS and annoying the total crap out of everyone? Guess what: not funny. People try to play MCSG together as well as have polite conversation, and ruining their fun is not very nice.
  • Like to target popular figures in MCSG if you see them in-game just to get in their youtube video? Really? Why the heck would they post a video of you TARGETING them to ruin their fun? By the way ThatOneTomahawk, what you did to expose this problem was brilliant. So often people get away with antics like these, but your actions towards stopping them is a step in the right direction in this community. Thank you.
  • Are you one of those people who enjoy to post random crap on the forums while others are involved in serious thought-provoking discussions? Furthermore, do you enjoy to flame about every single thing you disagree with? Guess what!?!?! Hiking passes off the forums are now 50% off! 0$! That's a great price!
Do you want to hear a story about something that I've experienced personally? Here it is (names changed to ensure privacy)!

Yesterday when I was on my clan Teamspeak server, a clanmate of mine came into my channel very frustrated. His in-game name is Player 1. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me that he had been banned off of MCSG for 7 days because of "admitting to hacking". I asked him why he would do such a thing, and he said that he didn't do any such thing. He stated that a few days ago, this guy named Player 2 went on our TS and told Player 1 that he would be banned for "hacking" even though he was innocent. Player 1 just ignored him at the time, because previously Player 2 had been on our teamspeak and acted like a complete jerk and even threatened to do things like this. Apparently this time, he really had gone so far as to get one of our members banned. Player 1 made a ban dispute, but it wasn't replied to.

Today, I joined MCSG Teamspeak around 4:50, and I saw Player 1 in an MCSG chat! When I went in to talk to him, I heard his voice and realized it wasn't Player 1 at all. It was Player 2, impersonating Player 1 once again! After I recognized his voice, I asked him, "Are you Player 2?" He replied, "No, I'm Player 1 and I'm banned for 1 week on MCSG for hacking." That's when I was 100% positive that it was Player 2 instead of Player 1: he knew about the whole situation, and I recognized his voice.

Player 2 changed his teamspeak name from "Player 1" back to his real name: Player 2. I then proceeded to ask him why he purposely got Player 1 banned. He told me he did it because he thought it was funny to falsely get someone banned, and that he had been impersonating Player 1 on teamspeak for 2 weeks straight! He then admitted to poking mods and admitting to hacking while impersonating Player 1 only for the point of falsely getting Player 1 banned. I then poked Sr. Staff member and talked to him. I told him the whole situation, and he told me that he needed more evidence.

I then proceeded to go back into the chat with Player 2, who had changed his name again. He admitted once again to impersonating Player 1 and getting him falsely banned, but this time I recorded it! I went under the alias of James, but they noticed that I had changed my name and I was Captain. However, he still admitted again!

I then talked to a few Sr. Staff and explained the whole situation to them. They unbanned Player 1, but said they weren't sure if they had enough evidence to get Player 2 banned. However, they did say someone had come on TS a few days before asking to get his stats reset on the "Player 1" account, and it might have been him!
Why do people feel the urge to ruin others' fun? Is it just a natural instinct to be as annoying and destructive as possible? Any experience in a community like this is good experience for being out in the real world. You try to pull some of these stunts out in public, and it could get you in serious trouble.


This brings me to my second point; the #2 problem that specifically ruins the fun of many MCSGers:

Competitiveness. OVER-Competitiveness.

"What's wrong with competitiveness? Isn't that the point of MCSG? To be competitive?"

The point of MCSG is to have fun.

Competitiveness to a certain extent is O.K. However, competitiveness to the point of try-harding can't be fun at all. If it gets to the point where you don't care about others and all you care about is winning, SOMETHING IS WRONG. VERY WRONG!

Trivia-Question for this post! Where is most flame oriented to winning located on the forums?

If you guessed the clans/teams section of the forums, step on down! You're the next contestant on Stop the Flame!

I have been in many clans throughout my time at MCSG. Back in Spring and Summer of last year, they were for the fun. Now, all I see are people arguing for 4/5 pages about a game. A GAME.
"You used this item! That's illegal!"
"You ghostkilled us! DQ!!!1!!1!1!11111!!"
"Blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!"

Be honest: is that even fun? Caring so much about a game that you have to get your way every single time?

It can't be fun. As a matter of fact, it isn't. Nor is it fun for anyone else trying to have discussions pertaining to the topic at hand!

And when you see people arguing for a page and a half about WHO GOT THE FIRST POST ON A THREAD?

C'mon, man.

Something needs to be done about these problems.

Something that not even the staff can fix.

It starts with the community as a whole. People need to change the way they go about things to be more
  • considerate
  • thoughtful
  • helpful
  • relaxed
  • friendly
to themselves and others.

And until someone sets an example for everyone else, ain't a thing gonna be done about this.

Thank you.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
This stuff is why I mainly avoid the clans and teams section. This stuff is why survival is gone. This stuff is what pisses me off. Be competitive, it can be fun, but stay in line with the "spirit of the game." It's for fun. We all want to have fun, so don't be a sore loser or winner and behave nicely.


May 22, 2013
Reaction score

remind me to link this post in like every lobby I play in xD this needs to end.

You may want to add that getting killed doesn't always mean you were targetted...if youd like an example, ive been called a "targetter" by six people I never knew before this week, just because I killed them while they were on my route.


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
The point of MCSG is to have fun.
this is sooo true!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I mean, some people can't understand that they are playing MCSG for enjoyment. If you don't enjoy playing it, then why are you still here? If MCSG just makes you angry when you die and causes you to flame and rage and accuse hacks every time you die, then why are you still playing?


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
People think that trolling, hacking and flaming is cool and funny. Sometimes people go on servers and do things for the sole person of pissing people off?! What makes people do such an immature thing -.-

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