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What do you look for in a map?


Sep 26, 2012
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Have you seen the redstone system on Kharmunrah at the bay? Maybe something like that but..less complicated xD


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
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I do like that idea actually, it would be hard to pull off though. I think I'm just going to keep it a normal corn. Simplicity is sometimes best. Anyway, the fact that you can hit people out of the map at pretty much anytime, gives tanked out players a huge disadvantage.
Another idea I had, is implementing enchanting... Or Enchanted weapons in dispensers that are extremely hard to reach (Life gambling parkour) I'm not sure about it though. I wouldnt make the weapons overpowered. I just think enchanting would add a whole new level to MCSG, but the staff seem to be against it...
I can easily make a working prototype for you, maybe some time this week ;)


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
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Okay, sounds good:p I kind of suck at terraforming XD But I have a method of making sky islands, they turn out pretty nice:p. About secrets? Do you mean easter eggs, or hidden dispensers, or..?
Anything hidden ;3 anyway, you guys should add me on skype. How have you not already? :p eshan.cowen


Apr 17, 2012
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1. Terrain/terraform that you can take advantage in while PVPing
2. Not too open chests, but still not impossible to find
3. No oceans
4. Hidden areas with secrets
5. Hotspots where there are almost always people.
6. A corn that doesnt affect PVPing.(like the ice interfers with fights on teweran)


Aug 20, 2012
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So I never saw this post XD
Alrighty then, let's see...I'm still standing by a Mount Olympus sort of idea using that one Project Ares map as a kind of guide. But what I look for in a map? Well.

1. Unique Gameplay: Something that breaks the mold of previous games. We are yet to have a truly trap-riddled map, and in my opinion, not one trap in the games is half decent and reliable aside from perhaps the lava hangar now that the SG4 gravel trap is broken, and it would be extremely easy to do - just have sneaky ways to drop someone out of the world, maybe a proximity detector? :D
Teweran is a less over-the-top example of unique gameplay. When you think about it, no other map in the games really contains ice combat. Solar Frost is more like close range cave combat, and the ice at the very center isn't really numerous. SG5 is more like deep snow combat.
Some examples that could be used are a greater emphasis on enchantments (very suitable to a temple of the gods floating above the world), which I know you've already thought of, a cornucopia that is very easy to die at! Man, I'd love this. One idea I had was having the cornucopia over the mouth of a volcano, with bridges leading to it. This means that one could smack players into the volcano with the proper skill and timing, and could be pulled off on a sky map too - just send them hurtling into the void.

2. Ability to use tactics, especially when at a serious gear disadvantage. This is super important, the most important aspect of any hopeful MCSG map, in my opinion. Especially support of deathmatch tactics. Every other map so far seems to support adding advantages to the players who are totally geared up - difficult to navigate terrain, bowl-shaped cornucopias (coughSG4cough), and straight areas perfect for aiming a bow that the lesser player probably does not have, or at least doesn't have as many arrows available. SG5 is a good example of this. If you're knowledgeable of the terrain underfoot, you can steer enemies toward ice, soulsand, cobwebs, or pesky holes. You can climb the half-constructed building and fishing rod legions of players to their doom. You can jump into the hole at deathmatch and float in the safe zone until your opposition jumps in after you, hopefully getting electrocuted in the process. You can memorize those god-forsaken tunnels under the map to escape easily from any less-knowledgeable opponent, crouching around an unknown corner while they swing their sword at another poor Im insulting someones family and I should feel bad. SG3's cornucopia is also very tactics friendly. Layers ftw. Teweran has the absolute most variety in deathmatch combat, and I'd like to hear anyone successfully argue that. The ice pillar provides opportunity for low ground, high ground, and edge guarding. Ice combat proves amazing for all weapon types, especially weapon switching tactics, and that can transition right into water-combat, but not ridiculously overbearing water combat like breeze. Fast-paced, supplemental water combat that relates directly to land combat. Amazing for PvP.

3. I just read above and saw the unique cornucopia idea. Go for it! A floating, inaccessible cornucopia, or possibly a multi-leveled one, where 4 chests are above and 4 are below, would prove excellent. It would also provide an option for players to stay up top and get that restock instead of going down for more chests, but also, the players going for the guaranteed chests at the top would fight it out, resulting in captive casualties. The only problem I see is deathmatch camping, so just teleport players to the bottom level instead.

Here is a graphical representation: http://imgur.com/0bNPmgc

Those are just ideas that immediately came to me. May post more later :D


District 13
Jul 31, 2012
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So, I was thinking about working on a map for MCSG, as it would be nice to pay back in some way all the hours of fun this gamemode has granted me. I'm a good builder, and nothing is entirely out of my limits. I know a lot about map making, being a part of TeamVareide. So, down to the question, what do you guys look for in an MCSG map? Yes, Breeze and sg4 are the most popular, but I don't want to create a map as small, simple and condensed as that. I want to make something with a little depth. I am swaying more towards the idea of a map set on skylands. Yes its been done, but no offence to the builder/s, it was done poorly. It's basically a random generated world that flys. My favourite style is medieval steampunk-ish builds, and they fit together well.
If you have any suggestions, please tell me them, and they will most probably be implemented into my project.
I feel that the Skylands SG could have been made 45 times as good. I would love to see a Skylands themed map, looking like the Team Elite lobby submission. With handmade trees, airships, a few vines and stuff.
Oct 6, 2012
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In my signature, I made an idea based on one of the uses of MCEdit. I am not going to spam your thread explaining this, but feel free to check it out. I myself think that is a good idea for a map, and it would add a completely new layer of competition for MCSG.

Over to some other ideas, redstone is soon going to be something much more important for map makers.
Droppers, dispensers, command blocks and redstone pulses are some of the things I think we will see in the future maps.
If you don't know, hoppers are like dispensers, but instead of shooting stuff, it drops it in the pickup-able mode. It can also shoot things into chests, which will let to "break the barrier" of the limited items. You can have potions, enchanted swords, and XP bottles filling the chests, using droppers. I am not sure if Chad agrees with this, but I think it would be pretty cool.

A friend of mine came up with an idea that makes furnaces, doors and beds giving away redstone signals when in use. This was before the Redstone Update, and I am not quite sure about if this will still work, but it will be awesome if you lied in a bed for 5 seconds or so, then a chest will be refilled.

As for the terrain, it should look extreme, eye-widening, but still minimalistic and realistic. I think this is what makes Breeze such a popular map. (except for the fact that it is small.) Think of this as you make the terraforming.

It would also be cool to have links on signs to solve a puzzle. So you would have to open your browser and type in the link. If you uploaded an image to (for example) imgur, with the answer to a puzzle, then players would have to do research and such while playing. This could be kind of cool as an extension of the puzzles in a game.

Renaming items in droppers would be cool, as it could throw an iron axe into a chest with Fire Aspect I on it, named something like "Ashes of the Blazing Fire". RPGGGGGG.

If you are making a map, I would love to join, as I've got countless of ideas like this. My Skype is unchained.artist.


Jun 2, 2012
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I want a map that doesn't take too long (I'm saying about 15 minutes average), good detail is a must, and chests must be fairly common, but not too common, and spread out fairly evenly so that good routes can be plentiful and fair.

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