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Where do you see mcsg in four years?


Apr 19, 2012
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People will get bored, looking for a new style of PVP [thewalls,TIMV,MCTF2]. New players will slowly come in, but when the next hunger games movie comes out, it will get popular again. Nothing lasts foreverer. You can see from the latest updates, and twitter, that Mojang is running out of ideas to put into the game. MCSG will slowly go downhill, as will minecraft.
I think we will find that the current staff team will slowly disintergrate. New staff will come in and everything will change, which might remove players.

But we must remember that MCSG has only been around 7-8 months. We haven't even had our 1 year celebrations. We should be thinking too much into the future, but maybe a few months away.
In conclusion- Minecraft will go out of fashion, with only maybe a few thousand players instead of 8 million. I hope this doesn't happen in the near future, but you never know :/
I'm a negative guy xD


Jul 28, 2012
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I think minecraft will go better and have even more players than ever, people who own servers will be able to ban hackers even faster thanks to one of monjans great idea of making it so that people will only join if they don't have certain things installed in there minecraft client. I see MCSG to even go stronger or stay at a good amount of players.
the reason I say this is because no one will forget a game, and everyday people are born and even more people will play games, it's just a really good game, who wouldn't play it? I just see a lot of good things to come.
It gives me so many good feelings. SO MANY GOOD THINGS TO COME!!!


District 13
May 5, 2012
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It won't even be thriving anymore. Take only 10 players in a week.
One Forums I go on had around 5000 active users in 2010. By 2011 the rate of posts per MONTH is 3~4.
Well as long it will be more than 3-4 a month :p
Not that I post THAT much lately, but I do not feel like leaving soon :p


Oct 17, 2012
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We'll be able too shoot guns, and use butter as mines.
Oct 15, 2012
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I think minecraft will go better and have even more players than ever, people who own servers will be able to ban hackers even faster thanks to one of monjans great idea of making it so that people will only join if they don't have certain things installed in there minecraft client. I see MCSG to even go stronger or stay at a good amount of players.
the reason I say this is because no one will forget a game, and everyday people are born and even more people will play games, it's just a really good game, who wouldn't play it? I just see a lot of good things to come.
It gives me so many good feelings. SO MANY GOOD THINGS TO COME!!!
Something positive FINALLY!


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
Mcsg will be an old forgotten community, with a new owner that want to change the name to Minecraft Hunger Games... :(
Yh kinda
I can honestly see mcsg going two ways. It either dies out after awhile and is eventually massively downsized or stopped altogether, or grows even bigger and the community gets stronger. (Imagine all the maps we would have!)
It kinda died out but hey we got a lot of maps!!!!
Really? I find Minecraft PvP to be very complex. I find myself doing mind games without even thinking about it - for example, I found out that my teammates generally pull out there bow if they see me pull out mine, so long as they are about 6+ blocks away. So, I pull out my bow, shoot it right away, then rush towards them while they are trying to take our there bow and use it on me, giving me an effective 3+ hits before they can retaliate. Little mind games like that help a lot.

I also found myself about to fight someone stronger than myself at corn, and by the way he was acting when he saw me, I could already tell how he'd try to fight. I pulled out my bow, got in 2 hits, then I rushed towards him, not to use my sword, but to make him rush back at me still thinking he was stronger despite the lost health. I pull out a flint and steel and start backing up, planted fire on him the moment he was within range, then continued to chase him with the sword while he was low on health. I took no damage that battle. :p
Believe it or not, I find out how somebody will try to fight me based on how they decide to approach a battle with me. Had that guy acted differently, I wouldn't have done quiet that strategy. Against a stronger opponent, they would have jumped to the side as soon as they saw I didn't want to sword fight by backing away, because that means I'm about to use a bow/flint and steel. They would have went around the fire, hit me into the wall and made it almost impossible to run away, and that would have given them a huge advantage over me.

I could argue farther on your other points, but I'd rather not drag this any farther off topic.

Edit: Also want to mention that I'm not saying Minecraft has the most complex PvP system out there, there is far better ones, but it's a lot more than some people make it out to be. (it's not just point and click.)

On topic: It could be in a lot of places in four years...a lot happens in four years. Personally, I like surprises, I'll wait and see.
oh G33ke where have you been
I'm pretty sure Survival Games wont last four years.
Here's the thing, mcsg is based off the hunger games. The hunger games is most likely to continue being very popular as well as minecraft is too. The we question is if mcsg is going to though :/

Lastly mods dont lock this for necro technically this thread was made for the future which is now so its revelant to the thread


Community Engagement Team Lead
Jun 2, 2012
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I'm perfectly okay with the revival of this thread - It make sense.

I'm not okay with how things are going 4 years down the road, however. :/


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Mcsg will be an old forgotten community, with a new owner that want to change the name to Minecraft Hunger Games... :(
Correct in the old forgotten community, correct in the name change (but not in what it was changed to ;) )

2/4 good job!
I can honestly see mcsg going two ways. It either dies out after awhile and is eventually massively downsized or stopped altogether, or grows even bigger and the community gets stronger. (Imagine all the maps we would have!)
Spot on my friend!
Most things don't last for very long, but in 4 years I believe we'll still be going. :3
Well, as a spooky time traveling man from the future I can say confidently that were still here!
I think it'll end in 4 years, but it'll peak in the second or third, then die down.
Way to go Nick, right on the spot!
But MCSG, on the other hand, has been proven by it's community to be endlessly addictive. Some users will stay for years to come and it will only get bigger. I see no reason why it should also die.
Still today nobody sees a reason for it to die :(
I think this community will choke itself, what i've seen, this is slowly dying, i could max see it last for like, 2 years, since it's slowly fading away.
The choke was a bit slower but hey well done!
Well this turned out to be more negative then I thought . . .
The future is negative in this case my dude

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