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Community Vote: Voting

How should we vote for maps?

  • Vote to skip (server picks next at random)

    Votes: 141 53.6%
  • Vote on 5 (server picks at random 5)

    Votes: 84 31.9%
  • Vote on overall (What we have now)

    Votes: 38 14.4%

  • Total voters


How many "skips" would you get? Like theoretically, would it be possible to skip through maps until one was found that everyone wanted?


Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Although the first option may seem best for right now wouldn't you think if you can't choose you map it wont be as motivating to play? I mean if the map was map 1 and people voted to skip it trying to get a different map for any sort of reason and you got map 5 instead of (I don't know) map 4 you wouldn't be as likely to be playing well. As if you chose your own map like the method we have now, or the second method. Just my 2 cents


Aug 17, 2012
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How many "skips" would you get? Like theoretically, would it be possible to skip through maps until one was found that everyone wanted?
Well that would take to long if I understand what you mean. Mabye people will abuse that ability (If they get more than 1 skip) and will keep on skipping. I think non-donators should get 1 skip and some of the say in it.


Well that would take to long if I understand what you mean. Mabye people will abuse that ability (If they get more than 1 skip) and will keep on skipping. I think non-donators should get 1 skip and some of the say in it.
Ya I was just saying kind of like would it be basically possible to skip through all the maps until the desired one is "picked." I just think it would make more sense to have like 2 randomly picked maps, and you can either choose one or the other or "skip." Skip would bring a third "must-play" map.


Sep 15, 2012
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I will support ANYTHING that will allow me to play ONE FRIEKIN MATCH that isn't on Breeze Island!


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Ya I was just saying kind of like would it be basically possible to skip through all the maps until the desired one is "picked." I just think it would make more sense to have like 2 randomly picked maps, and you can either choose one or the other or "skip." Skip would bring a third "must-play" map.
I know exactly what you mean. I was thinking that as well...

I figure this is the appropriate place to put a huge post about my opinions of the three voting systems presented, so brace yourselves.

Option 1: If an infinite amount of skips is allowed, and at least 12 people want to play a map like, for example, breeze island, then they could just keep voting to skip until the desired map - map 4 is picked. In fact, chances are, no map would be "picked". With how few maps we have now, people will simply keep voting to skip until the larger group gets the desired map they want, which would never come. Let's put it this way:

20% of people want to play map 1, 20% map 2, 20% map 3, 20% map 4, and 20% map 5.
80% of people will not be on the map they want - they vote to skip.
Again, 80% will not want it, vote to skip.
The process will keep going until...when? Will it pick randomly upon skipping all of them? Will it cycle through again? (I hope not.)

Now let's say 50% or more want breeze island:

Map 1 - 50% that wants breeze island wins.
Map 2 - it happens again
Eventually, it hits Breeze island - what can the other people do other than sit it watch it get played over and over?

When I'm in a lobby, I usually see about 8-12 votes for map 4, 2-4 votes on map 2, and 1-2 votes on map 1 and map 5. Keep in mind that those who do not "vote" now are practically voting for "don't skip".

Even at 4 votes for map 2, and 4 votes between all other maps other than map 4, I only have 8. At 8 votes for Breeze island, that's more than 50% of people wanting it, and 50% not wanting it. This is assuming Breeze is at it's average lowest and everything else is at it's highest...
It really won't change much in my opinion to make this change. I could be missing something entirely, but still. Like I also mentioned, since a lot of the people on the server don't even vote a lot of the time, they would automatically be voting to not skip, technically. I believe it would either just practically be a random map, or still mostly map 4. I guess we could try this, but I honestly don't think it'd work well unless we had far more maps to work with.

On to option 2: To start off, yes please. Allowing random maps to be picked by the server to choose from by the players is great. It allows people to still pick a preferred map without them always picking the same one. This way, we aren't forced to play a map we all hate, but still have it as a choice, while still allowing the overplayed ones to not be as overplayed... It just works. If someone really only likes one map, they can just join another server... I really like this idea, and see no big downsides to it.

Option 3: The current voting system makes sense upon first glance, but as I've argued in another thread, it has one flaw: Those who want anything that's not the current "favorite" map will never get it, while those who enjoy it get it every single time.

Let me put it this way: Let's say some family took a family vote every year for where they wanted to go: One of them has 3 siblings who all have very similar interests, whereas his is different than theirs. Maybe he enjoys scenic views of mountains and the ocean, but they have other ideas. Every year, he is alone on where he wants to go, and so his siblings always win and they all go to their desired location. They get what they want every time, but he never really gets anything he wants, ever. Sure, the majority is happy and that's a good thing, but the other small percent is unhappy. He has a dislike for what they want and never gets what he wants. Is this fair? Does he deserve to never get what he wants just because he has different interests than the rest?

Another easier way to put it is that in this particular case, the 60% majority get what they want 95% of the time. Shouldn't they get it 60% of the time? They should, but they don't because of how the system works. Because of this, the 40% gets what they want 5% of the time. How does this make sense to anybody?

Obviously, the majority wants a new voting system, don't they? If your argument is that the majority should win, then you cannot argue that the current system shouldn't stay, since the majority doesn't want it. It's ironic, huh? I can understand voting for it if you want it, but you really can't argue within the thread against the poll if you want the majority to win.

I expect that whatever is picked, which looks like it might be vote to skip, will probably prove a point or two of mine wrong. I don't believe I am entirely correct, so don't go shoving it in my face if I am wrong please.


I expect that whatever is picked, which looks like it might be vote to skip, will probably prove a point or two of mine wrong. I don't believe I am entirely correct, so don't go shoving it in my face if I am wrong please.
Back when I was working on this stuff, this was the sitation:

Server boots up, and gets a random map. It displays it in the lobby like this:

Next map: nextMap.

Skip next map with /skip.
Amount of skipvotes: skipVotes .
Skipvotes needed: getSkipVotesNeeded .

Just like the game were this idea came from (MW2), players can only skip once. Once a map gets skipped, the plugin disables skipping for everyone.

So once a map gets skipped, the next one would be played for sure. Unless the server catches fire, than ehm, nothing will be played.


Aug 31, 2012
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I think you should keep it the same, because I don't really get the others. Can someone please tell me?


Jun 24, 2012
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Right now the first one may be the best option but when we have a larger selection of maps :)D) I think that having 5 maps taken at random and then voting. The skip could take much longer :)eek:) in the lobby as well.


Jun 24, 2012
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I think you should keep it the same, because I don't really get the others. Can someone please tell me?
The first one will select a map and if you don't want the map you will vote 'skip'. If more than half of everyone skips i picks a new map and so on and so on. The second one is better for when we have more maps. It randomly selects five and then you vote like normal out of those five. The third one is just what we have today.

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